
No 127643
著者(漢字) シャーラー,ワレデャニ
著者(カナ) シャーラー,ワレデャニ
標題(和) 発達期扁桃体における初期ネットワーク振動の解析
標題(洋) Early Network Oscillations in Developing Amygdala
報告番号 127643
報告番号 甲27643
学位授与日 2012.02.08
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(薬学)
学位記番号 博薬第1414号
研究科 薬学系研究科
専攻 生命薬学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 松木,則夫
 東京大学 教授 杉山,雄一
 東京大学 教授 入村,達郎
 東京大学 准教授 池谷,裕二
 東京大学 准教授 富田,泰輔
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Periodic intrinsic activity is a characteristic feature of the developing nervous system. This oscillatory pattern is believed to be involved in brain maturation, including neuronal growth, synapse formation, and network construction. Several patterns of periodic activity have been described in developing structures such as cortex and hippocampus. However, intrinsic oscillatory pattern in other memory-relevant networks such as amygdala remains poorly understood. Utilizing functional multineuron calcium imaging (fMCI) to monitor the activity of amygdala neuronal populations, I discovered the earliest synapse-driven network pattern in amygdala, an almond-shape structure pivotal for emotional experience. I thus analyzed the spatiotemporal organization of these large-scale oscillatory [Ca(2+)]i waves.

[ Results ]

1.Large-scale intrinsic oscillatory [Ca]i waves in developing amygdala

Intracellular membrane potential recording confirmed that [Ca]i increases that occurred in acute brain slices corresponded to spike bursting of neurons (Fig. 1A). I found oscillatory [Ca]i waves in the amygdala of horizontal acute slices prepared from newborn rat (Fig. 1B). The intrinsic amygdalar waves were reproducibly found in the first week of neonatal rats. Experiments using incised mini-slices revealed that the waves occurred in the posterior, but not the anterior, region of the amygdala (Fig. 1C). A series of pharmacological experiments suggests that the waves required Na+ channel-dependent neural activity, glutamatergic and GABAB receptor activity (Fig. 1D).

2.Amygdalar waves propagate to surrounding networks

I next focused on the relationship of amygdalar [Ca(2+)]i waves to the [Ca(2+)]i activity of other brain regions, because the amygdala has numerous cortical projections. I observed that as the animals developed, the posterior basolateral amygdala started to generate periodic activity time-locked to other brain regions, such as the cortex and the hippocampus (Fig. 2A). Electric stimulation of the amygdala triggered [Ca(2+)]i waves in these brain regions (Fig. 2B). Electrophysiological recording revealed that local field potential showed burst activity that persisted for 60 ms to 2 s and that the membrane potential of amygdalar neurons exhibited a bimodal distribution with inter-wave intervals showing a sharp peak at 2 s and a broad peak at 10 s. These patterns, which are prominent in the neonatal amygdala, may regulate long-distance wiring and underlie activity-dependent maturation of network formation.

3.Developmental profile of the amygdalar network oscillations

I examined the developmental change of synchronized activity. The oscillatory [Ca(2+)]i waves in the amygdala persisted until postnatal day (P) 5. Bursting frequency is increased in later developmental age, but the wave pattern is changed. According to their initiation sites, the waves were classified into at least three spatial patterns; amygdalar waves, cortico-amygdalar waves, and hippocampo-amygdalar waves (Fig. 3A). The frequency of their emergence depended on the age of pups (Fig. 3B). Amygdalar waves showed slower wave dynamics and higher [Ca(2+)]i amplitude, compared to cortico-amygdalar waves, and hippocampo-amygdalar waves.

[ Conclusion ]

In this study, I firstly revealed a novel form of oscillatory [Ca(2+)]i waves emerges in the amygdala at the first week of developmental stages for the first time. The wave behavior changed as the animals develop. Observations in electrophysiological and imaging techniques in vivo will be required to clarify more details about mapping the basic flow information in the various loops of neocortex.

Figure 1. Amygdalar [Ca(2+)]i waves. A, [Ca(2+)]i signal correlated burst firing activity. B, Time-lapse imaging of amygdalar [Ca(2+)]i wave in brain slices prepared from a newborn rat 30 min after delivery. C, Mini-slice isolation experiments. D, Pharmacological experiments. Data were obtained from slices at P0-P1 postnatal rats.

Figure 2. A, Line scanning of [Ca2+]i of the posterior amygdala, the cortex, and the hippocampus in a postnatal day 2 rat. B, Electrical stimulation of the posterior part of the amygdala induced [Ca2+]i waves in the cortex and the hippocampus

Figure 3. A, Three wave dynamics in the amygdala: amygdalar waves (top), cortico-amygdalar waves (middle), and hippocampo-amygdalar waves (bottom). B, Developmental profile of the event frequency of amygdalar waves

審査要旨 要旨を表示する




本研究において、幼若マウスから扁桃体を含む脳スライスを作成し、当研究室で開発改良された磯能的多ニューロン画像法(functional multineuron calcium imaging、fMCI)を活用することで、自発的な神経活動の記録を試みた。その結果、幼若マウスの扁桃体において、シナプス活動に起因した初期ネットワーク振動を発見し、この神経活動の時空間パターンおよび発生機構の解明に取り組んだ。


幼若マウス脳スライス標本にカルシウム蛍光指示色素(Oregon Green 488 BAPTA-1AM)を負荷し、扁桃体領域からfMCIを行ったところ、自発的なカルシウム振動が観察された。扁桃体のニューロンからパッチクランプ記録を行うことにより、fMCIで記録される自発的カルシウム濃度上昇がネットワーク振動に基づくバースト発火を反映したものであることを確認した。.この自発的カルシウム振動、すなわち初期ネットワーク振動は、生後1週間以内のマウス扁桃体において、数分間隔で繰り返し生じることを明らかにした。さらに、この初期ネットワーク振動が扁桃体内部のみで生じるか否かを明らかとするために、脳スライス標本から扁桃体領域のみをメスで切り出し、微小スライスを作成した。その結果、扁桃体組織のみで初期ネットワーク振動が生じることを明らかにした。さらに扁桃体を背側部と腹側部に分離切断したところ、腹側部のみにおいて振動が観察された。これらのことから扁桃体腹側部にネットワーク振動の起始部があり、この活動が背側部へと伝播することで、扁桃体全体で同期した初期ネットワーク振動が生じることを明らかにした。初期ネットワーク振動に対し、様々な薬理学的検討を行ったところ、電位感受性ナトリウムチャネル、イオンチャネル型グルタミン酸受容体およびGABAB受容体が関与することが明らかになった。したがって、初期ネットワーク振動は化学シナプス活動に依存した活動であると推察される。






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