
No 127692
著者(漢字) 黄,〓
著者(カナ) ファン,ワンウェン
標題(和) "World Dwellings Relational Schema Database"を用いた伝統的住居の類型化と比較手法に関する研究
標題(洋) Typological Analysis and Comparative Study of Traditional Dwellings by "World Dwellings Relational Schema Database"
報告番号 127692
報告番号 甲27692
学位授与日 2012.03.12
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第7622号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 建築学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 藤井,明
 東京大学 教授 西出,和彦
 東京大学 准教授 今井,公太郎
 東京大学 講師 太田,浩史
 東京大学 教授 柴崎,亮介
内容要旨 要旨を表示する


This study is an attempt to develop dwellings with typological analysis. Th house cases or house sets to derive understandable. With further analysis, subjects for further research. a general and yet explicit description of traditional is would be followed by the comparison of different a fruitful of information, which is explicit and this generates a number of meaningful topics and

Typological analysis empahsizes on the study of differences and similarities among various house types worldwide. The comparison of different house cases can be either micro-transformation among the same house type or difference among different house types. The constitutional factors and elements of traditional settlements and houses are extremely complicated; therefore categorization or analysis of merely spatial form or superfical feature is impossible. Comprehensive and general information such as descriptive attributes including environmental context, cultural background, and spatial form is mandatory for a complete description of a house type.

This study endeavors to adopt 32 "general attributes" to describe all collected house cases. Data types, formats and characteristics of these attributes are complicated and often the result of a multi-layer composition. Instead of parallel structures, the relationships among attributes differ according to house cases and presents different levels and corresponding relationship. World Dwellings Relational Schema Database (WDRS-Database) is established in this study as an analytical tool. In addition to basic functionalities of general database such as data storage, browse, download, and search, it is also equipped with advanced functionalities such as attributive values comparison, similar ratio calculation, and analytical chart making. The similarity among house cases can be roughly known by similar ratio calculation and similar ratio ranking (related house set list), and the comparison of attributive values provides reasonable explanation of these differences (data comparsion table). Therefore, WDRS-Database not only acts as a database system that describes traditional dwellings but also a mechanism that develops the subject of house study (figure 1).

WDRS-Database provides three ways of comparing data: 1) case setting 2) similar ratio setting 3) attributive values setting (figure 2). Users can develop interesting and potential new topics according to their research objectives and requirements, and furthermore adjust the weighting of each attribute and recalculate similar ratio by using ON/OFF Button or Ranger Bar. With substantial amount of comparison results on house data, unique hierarchy (vertical relation) and causal relationship (horizontal relation) of the attributes, key attribute (key spatial manipulation) and pair attributes can be figured out. The values of general attributes serve to define and describe house types effectively and is able to project the correlation and similarity among different house cases in a region or a cultural circle by comparison of key spatial manipulation and similar ratio.

The long-term goal of WDRS-Database is to provide an open platform with free access to uploading, downloading, editing and sharing data in the future. It will reach the ultimate aim and value of village survey and house study by recording, saving, and implementing the construction knowledgebase of traditional dwellings in the design of future vernacular architecture, modern house and community planning.


Traditional Dwellings, Relational Schema Database System, Typological Analysis, Similar Ratio Calculation Key Spatial Manipulation, Pair Attributes.

Composition of Dissertation:


1.1 First Village Survery in China

1.2 Subjects of Traditional Dwellings' Study


2.1 Motivation

2.2 Previous Researches

2.3 Objective


3.1 Research Process

3.2 Characters of Traditional Dwellings

3.3 General Attributes for Describing Traditional Dwellings

3.4 Framework of Data Comparison (Concept I Method and Meaning / Expression and Browse)


4.1 Relational Schema Database System

4.2 Framework of WDRS-Database

4.3 Application (Site Map of the WDRS-Database/ Data Input I Data Search I Data Comparison)


*Comparative Study of Toba House and Related Houses in Indonesian Region

(One to One I One to Many I Many to Many)

*Comparative Study of Austronesian Houses in Indonesian Region

(Natural Factors and Dwelling Forms I Cultural Factors and Dwelling Forms)

*Discovery and Supposition


(figure 1) Research Process

(figure 2) Site Map of the WDRS-Database (http://www.wdrs-fujiilab.org)

審査要旨 要旨を表示する






第2章は研究の背景で、伝統的な集落・住戸の多くが、急激な都市化やグローバル化により消滅しつつある現状について述べている。伝統的な集落・住居の研究は、単体を詳細に研究するだけでなく、地域や文化を横断する視点が重要である。関連する既往の研究やデータベースをレビューした後に、類型学的な視点から行なう研究の重要性を述べ、それを実現するためにはこれまでに調査した集落・住居をリレーショナル・スキーマ・データベース化してW。rld Dwellings Relati。nal Schema Database(WDRS-Database)を作り、比較研究や類型化の便に供する必要があるとしている。







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