
No 127755
著者(漢字) 苅宿,俊風
著者(カナ) カリヤド,トシカゼ
標題(和) 逆ペロブスカイトCa3PbO とその類似物質における3次元ディラック電子系
標題(洋) Three-Dimensional Dirac Electron Systems in the Family of Inverse-Perovskite Material Ca3PbO
報告番号 127755
報告番号 甲27755
学位授与日 2012.03.22
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5758号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 物理学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 青木,秀夫
 東京大学 教授 高木,英典
 東京大学 教授 常行,真司
 東京大学 教授 押川,正毅
 東京大学 准教授 長田,俊人
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

In this thesis, cubic inverse perovskite material Ca3PbO and its family (A3EO with A=Ca, Sr, Ba and E=Pb, Sn) are theoretically proposed as new candidates for Dirac electron systems by the first-principles band calculation. Then, we construct a simple tight-binding model describing the low-energy band structure. The origin of the Dirac electron in Ca3PbO series is clarified by analyzing the constructed tight-binding model. Some physical properties, the orbital magnetic susceptibility and the surface band structure, are investigated using the tight-binding model in order to elucidate the characters associated with the Dirac electrons in Ca3PbO series.

The crystal structure of the target material Ca3PbO is depicted in Fig. 1. It is an inverse" perovskite structure in which a nonmetallic atom (O, in this case) is surrounded by metallic atoms (Ca, in this case) octahedrally.

First, the band structure of Ca3PbO is investigated by means of the first-principles density functional theory (DFT). The crystal parame-ters required in the calculation are taken from the experiments. The calculated band structure is shown in Fig. 2(a). In the shown energy range, the bands below the Fermi energy are mainly originated from the Pb 6p orbitals, while the entangled bands above the Fermi energy are mainly originated from the Ca 3d orbitals. However, note that the top of the p-bands (bands originated from the Pb 6p orbitals) is located above the bottom of the d-bands (bands originated from the Ca 3d orbitals). This feature is important for the emergence of the Dirac electron in Ca3PbO as described later.

The most interesting point in the obtained band structure is that there exists a tilted anisotropic three-dimensional massive Dirac electron. A Dirac point, which is defined as a center of linear dispersion of Dirac electron, is located exactly at the Fermi energy and on the Γ-X line in the cubic Brillouin zone. Figure 2(b) shows the dispersion relation around the Dirac point. We can see the linear dispersion, which is characteristic for a Dirac electron. The existence of a Dirac point on the Γ-X line implies that there are six symmetrically equivalent Dirac points due to the cubic symmetry of the system. Within the first-principles calculation, the mass gap and the velocity characterizing the Dirac electron are estimated as 15 meV and 2-4×10(5) m/s, respectively. Note that the velocity depends on the direction. Using these values, the effective cyclotron mass for this Dirac electron becomes as small as 10(-2) of the bare electron mass. The strong magnetic response is expected due to the smallness of the effective cyclotron mass.

We also discuss the relation to the other three-dimensional Dirac electron systems and the topological properties of Ca3PbO. Although Ca3PbO is proved to be not a topological insulator, it is worth noting that Ca3PbO has some commonalities with a topological insulator such as a strong spin{orbit coupling and an "inverted" band structure.

The band structures of the families of Ca3PbO are also studied by the first-principles calcu-lation. We find that Sr3PbO, Ba3PbO, Ca3SnO, and Sr3SnO have band structures similar to Ca3PbO near the Fermi energy. There appear Dirac electrons also in these materials. The pa- rameters characterizing Dirac electrons (mass gap, velocity, tilting angle, and anisotropy) differ in each material. For instance, the Sn-based compounds have smaller mass gaps than the Pb- based compounds. This result suggests that it may be possible to control the size of mass gap by fabricating the alloys like Ca3(Pb1-xSnx)O. On the other hand, it turns out that another A3EO compound Ba3SnO has a highly distinct dispersion relation near the Fermi energy compared with Ca3PbO [Figs. 2(c) and 2(d)]. Interestingly, Ba3SnO has two Dirac points appearing side by side in the energy and the momentum space. These two Dirac points are located near the Fermi energy and on the Γ-X line. Note that the existence of two Dirac points on the Γ-X line implies that there are 12 Dirac points in the whole Brillouin zone due to the cubic symmetry of the crystal. The discovered win" Dirac electrons show a peculiar dispersion relation such that the upper Dirac cone of the lower Dirac electrons is continuously deformed into the lower Dirac cone of the upper Dirac electrons [Fig. 2(d)]. Due to this peculiar dispersion relation, if the chemical potential in Ba3SnO is finely controlled in some way, the shapes of Fermi surfaces show an interesting evolution.

Next, we construct a simple tight-binding model describing the band structure of Ca3PbO around the Fermi energy. This study is done for 1) obtaining insights into the emergence of the Dirac electron in Ca3PbO series and 2) calculating some physical quantities based on the constructed tight-binding model. In order to construct a tight-binding model, we first assign the orbitals to be included in the basis set by analyzing the orbital-weight distribution on the bands obtained in the first-principles calculation. It turns out that three 6p orbitals on the Pb atom and three 3d orbitals on the three Ca atoms in a unit cell are necessary in constructing a satisfactory tight-binding model. Since the spin{orbit coupling on the Pb atom is strong, the spin degrees of freedom should be explicitly treated. This means that we have 12 (= (3 + 3) × 2) orbitals in the basis set for the tight-binding model. The matrix elements between these 12 orbitals are derived considering the symmetries of the orbitals. The parameters such as the energy levels of basis orbitals, hopping integrals, and the strength of spin{orbit coupling are determined with the help of the maximally localized Wannier functions. Then, we can successfully reproduce the band structure of Ca3PbO obtained in the first-principles calculation with a simple tight-binding model. It is also possible to construct a model for Ba3SnO, which has twin Dirac electrons in its band structure, with the same tight-binding model as Ca3PbO using a different set of the parameters. However, we must note that the Dirac electron in this tight-binding model is exactly massless, while it should be massive according to the first-principles calculation. This point will be discussed later.

After constructing the tight-binding model, we study the parameter dependence of the band structure in order to elucidate which parameter is essential for the emergence of Dirac electrons in this model. Through this investigation, it is clarified that the overlap between the p- and d-bands and the spin-orbit coupling play crucial roles in generating the Dirac electron in this model. Namely, if there is no overlap between the p- and d-bands, the Dirac electron never appears in this model. On the other hand, in the zero spin-orbit coupling limit, there still exists a linear dispersion. However, the low-energy effective Hamiltonian for this case is not a Dirac Hamiltonian.

In order to verify explicitly that the low-energy limit of the effective Hamiltonian for Ca3PbO takes really a form of a Dirac Hamiltonian, the tight-binding model described above is further analyzed. Applying a proper basis transformation and expanding the matrix elements in the series of the momentum k measured from a Dirac point, it is confirmed that the low-energy limit of the effective Hamiltonian is a Dirac Hamiltonian. After checking that the low-energy effective model is really a Dirac Hamiltonian, we discuss the origin of the Dirac electron in this model. As we have already stated, the overlap between the p- and d-bands is important. In addition to that, it becomes clear that the symmetry of the crystal and the involved orbitals are also important for the emergence of the Dirac electrons in this model. Using the information extracted from all the above arguments, we propose a minimal model describing the Dirac electrons in Ca3PbO series. Analysis of this minimal model clarifies the role of the spin-orbit coupling for the emergence of the Dirac electrons.

As we have pointed out, the tight-binding model gives a massless Dirac electron. Actually, the small but finite mass term observed in the first-principles calculation can be generated by considering the extra orbitals that are not included in the basis set of the tight-binding model. Note that newly considered extra orbitals are located far from the Fermi energy. The fact that the finite mass term requires the inclusion of the orbitals far from the Fermi energy ensures the smallness of the mass term.

In general, Dirac electron systems show distinct phenomena when a magnetic field is applied or the translational symmetry is broken. Then, we study the orbital magnetic susceptibility and the surface band structure using the tight-binding model introduced above as a representative magnetic field effect and as a typical broken translational symmetry effect.

The orbital magnetic susceptibility is calculated using the gauge invariant single line formula derived for a tight-binding model. (Derivation is given as an appendix of this thesis.) The calculated results show that the model for Ca3PbO gives a large diamagnetic susceptibility when the chemical potential is close to the energy of the Dirac point. On the other hand, in the model for Ba3SnO, the orbital magnetic susceptibility shows two large negative (diamagnetic) peaks as a function of the chemical potential. This is because the twin Dirac electrons exist in Ba3SnO. In both cases, the orbital magnetic susceptibility sharply depends on the chemical potential and temperature. This property can be used to confirm the existence of Dirac electrons experimentally.

The surface band structures are calculated by using slablike structures with several types of surfaces. For all of the 001, 101, and 111 surfaces, we find nontrivial surface bands that cannot be explained from the bulk bands projected to the surface Brillouin zone. It is worth noting that these surface bands do not have Kramers degeneracy, due to the strong spin-orbit coupling in the model and the broken translational symmetry at the surface. It is an interesting subject to study the relation between the surface states of Ca3PbO and those of a topological insulator.

Fig. 1: Crystal structure.

Fig. 2: (a,c) The band structures of Ca3PbO and Ba3SnO. (b,d) The dispersion relations around the Dirac points in Ca3PbO and Ba3SnO.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

本学位論文は6 章からなり、1章はディラック電子系についての序論および本論文の概要、2章は逆ペロフスカイト物質Ca3PbO および同族物質についての解説、3章はこれらの物質に対する強束縛模型の構築、4章は低エネルギー有効ハミルトニアンの導出、5章はCa3PbO の模型における物性の計算、6章は本論文で得られた結論および今後の展望を述べている。

ディラック電子系は、グラフェン(炭素原子一層からなる物質)において典型的に実現し、20世紀中頃にグラフェン中の電子がディラック電子と見なせることが示されたが、2000 年代初頭からグラフェンが実際の試料として得られるようになり、その特異な物性が注目された。2010 年にグラフェンがノーベル物理学賞を受賞した前後からは、物性物理学の大きな分野が創成されている。ディラック電子というのは、元来は場の理論において、電子を相対論的に扱う際に生じる電子であるが、一般には質量をもった相対論的粒子である。グラフェンで実現するのは、質量がゼロのディラック電子であり、それに伴う物性の特異性が興味の焦点となった。これから生じる興味深い問題は、ディラック電子が、グラフェン以外の物質でも実現するか、特に、グラフェンが原子一層からなる2次元系であるのに対して、3次元物質において質量ゼロのディラック電子が実現するか、という問題である。物質に関しては、単体のBi がディラック系であることは長年知られていたが、最近では或る種の有機導体、あるいは鉄系超伝導体において質量ゼロのディラック電子が実現することが知られている。また、最近物性物理学の重要な分野となっているトポロジカル系と呼ばれる物質(BiSb 等の合金やIII-V 族半導体関連物質)においても質量ゼロのディラック電子が実現し、詳しく調べられている。

本学位論文の主眼は、これらとは全く異なる物質族として、「逆ペロフスカイト」と呼ばれる構造をもつCa3PbO という物質とその同族物質を新しいディラック電子系の候補として理論的に提案したことである。ペロフスカイトというのは、一般には遷移金属原子の周りを、酸素などの別の元素が8面体的に囲んだユニットが連結された構造であり、銅酸化物高温超伝導体が層状ペロフスカイト構造をもつという関連からも、1980 年代から興味をもたれている構造である。「逆」ペロフスカイトというのは、酸素原子の周りを金属原子(ここではCa)が8面体的に囲んだユニットが連結された構造であるために、そのように呼ばれる。この物質群そのものは前世紀から合成はされていたが、その電子構造はあまり明らかでなかった。

学位申請者は、先ず、Ca3PbO のバンド構造を第一原理電子状態計算によって調べ、3次元ディラック電子が存在することを見いだした。詳しくいうと、ディラック電子の分散(波数の関数としてのバンド・エネルギー)は、ごく小さいギャップ(質量項)を持ち、傾いてはいるが、ほぼ線形な分散(コーン)をもつ。これ以外のバンドが近くにいないために、フェルミ・エネルギーは厳密にコーンの頂点(ディラック点)に位置し、波数としては立方晶のブリルアンゾーンのΓ-X 線上に存在する。Ca3PbO 関連の他の物質についても第一原理計算が行われ、Sr3PbO、Ba3PbO、Ca3SnO、Sr3SnO についてはフェルミ・エネルギー近傍でCa3PbO とよく似たバンド構造を持つことが示された。他方、Ba3SnO においては、2つのディラック点がエネルギー軸上でも波数軸上でも近接して存在することが示された。

次に、このように求められたCa3PbO の第一原理的バンド構造を再現するタイトバインディング模型の構築が行われた。電子構造の物理的理解のため、また物性の計算のために、これは重要な手順である。第一原理計算で得られた電子状態を、最局在ワニエ軌道を基底波動関数としてタイトバインディング模型を作る、という近年標準となっている手法が用いられた。得られたモデルを解析することにより、Ca3PbO のハミルトニアンの低エネルギー極限が確かにディラック・ハミルトニアンであることが確認された。タイトバインディング模型についてはさらに詳しく解析が行われ、Ca3PbO におけるディラック電子の起源も議論された。結果として以下の3点がディラック電子の出現に本質的な役割を果たすことがわかった:(1) 結晶構造、及びフェルミ・エネルギー近傍のバンドを構成する軌道の対称性、(2) p バンド(Pb-6p 軌道由来のバンド)とd バンド(Ca-3d 軌道由来のバンド)の重なり合い、(3) スピン軌道相互作用。さらに、以上をもとに、Ca3PbO のディラック電子を記述する必要最低限の(ミニマル)モデルも提案された。また、ディラック分散のわずかなギャップ(質量)の起源も明らかにされた。


以上のように、本学位論文では、Ca3PbO をはじめとする逆ペロフスカイト構造をもつ一群の物質が3次元ディラック電子系であることが、先ず理論的に予言された。そして、その電子構造をもたらす理由が、タイトバインディング模型という簡単化された模型から明らかにされた。最後に、ディラック電子系であることを示唆する実験方法も提案された。実験的にこれらの物質が3次元ディラック電子系であるか、などの点は今後の研究をまつ必要があると思われるが、本学位論文で得られた成果は、ディラック電子系の理解に重要な貢献をするだけでなく、将来的にも、多彩なディラック電子系の物理の発展にも資することが期待される。



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