
No 127781
著者(漢字) 小野,宜昭
著者(カナ) オノ,ヨシアキ
標題(和) 赤方偏移6-7にある銀河の物理的性質とそれらの宇宙再電離への示唆
標題(洋) Physical Properties of Galaxies at z~6-7 and Their Implications for Cosmic Reionization
報告番号 127781
報告番号 甲27781
学位授与日 2012.03.22
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5784号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 天文学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 准教授 本原,顕太郎
 東京大学 教授 吉井,譲
 東京大学 准教授 川良,公明
 東京大学 准教授 吉田,直紀
 国立天文台 教授 有本,信雄
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

In the past 20 years, thanks to novel color selection techniques with deep images taken by state- of-the-art instruments on large ground-based telescopes and space telescopes, our knowledge on the formation history of cosmic structures has been quite developed, and we are now looking back to redshifts z ~ 6 - 7, corresponding to times when the age of the Universe was only 750 Myr - 1 Gyr, and beyond. Numerous galaxies at z ~ 6 - 7 have been found by two color selection methods, one probes redshited Lyman break, and the other does redshifted Lya line; galaxies selected by the methods are called Lyman-break galaxies,. or dropout galaxies, and Lya emitters (LAEs), respectively. Studying the stellar populations of the galaxy populations is essential to understand their physical nature. However, most of the dropout galaxies found so far at z ~ 6 - 7 are not spectroscopically confirmed and their photometric redshifts have large uncertainties. On the other hand, uncertainties of the photometric redshifts of LAEs are relatively smaller, since they are selected by using narrowband imaging data. This galaxy population may be representative of galaxies at z ~ 6 - 7, because the Lya method can pick up galaxies with strong Lya regardless of their UV continuum brightness, and the ratio of dropout galaxies with strong Lya emission to the total number of dropout galaxies, the Lya fraction, is larger at higher redshifts (e.g., Stark et al. 2011). Although investigating the stellar populations of typical LAEs at z ~ 6 - 7 will give us a key to comprehend an early phase of galaxy evolution, only a few studies reported on it based on a very small sample, and most of them are biased toward galaxies bright in the rest-frame optical. Also important is inclusion of possible effects from nebular emission on the observed galaxy spectral energy distributions (SEDs). Since LAEs show a strong Lya emission, they are likely to be also emitting other nebular lines and continuum. However, all of the previous studies do not include or even consider the effect of nebular emission.

Recently, the largest available sample of z = 5.7 and 6.6 LAEs have been constructed by Ouchi et al. (2008) and Ouchi et al. (2010), respectively, in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS) field from deep optical broadband and narrowband data. About 65% of the SXDS field is also covered by deep infrared images of JHK and Spitzer/IRAC 4 bands. The overlapped field is suit for multiwavelength study of LAEs at z ~ 6 - 7. In this thesis, we investigate the stellar populations of LAEs at z = 5.7 and 6.6 in a 0.65 deg2 sky of the SXDS field, using deep images taken with Subaru/Suprime-Cam, UKIRT/WFCAM, and Spitzer/IRAC. We produce stacked multiband images at each redshift from 165 (z = 5.7) and 91 (z = 6.6) IRAC-undetected objects, to derive typical SEDs of z ~ 6 - 7 LAEs for the first time. The stacked LAEs have as blue UV continua as the HST/WFC3 z-dropout galaxies of similar Mpv, with a spectral slope β~-3, but at the same time they have red UV-to-optical colors with detection in the 3.6pm band. Using SED fitting we find that the stacked LAEs have low stellar masses of ~(3 - 10) × 107Mo, very young ages of < 10 Myr, negligible dust extinction, and strong nebular emission from the ionized interstellar medium, although the z = 6.6 object is fitted similarly well with high-mass models without nebular emission; inclusion of nebular emission reproduces the red UV-to-optical colors while keeping the UV colors sufficiently blue. We infer that typical LAEs at z~ 6 - 7 are building blocks of galaxies seen at lower redshifts. From the minimum contribution of nebular emission required to fit the observed SEDs, we place an upper limit on the escape fraction of ionizing photons to be f (ion)(esc)~0.6 at z=5.7and ~0.9 at z=6.6.

Studying the properties of high-redshift galaxies is also useful for understanding the process of cosmic reionization. Several studies on the evolution of the Gunn-Peterson optical depth suggested that the cosmic reionization may have ended at z~ 6 - 7 (e.g., Fan et al. 2006b; Becker et al. 2007), although they can only detect a subtle increase of the neutral fraction of the IGM. The redshift evolution in the Lya luminosity function is also used to infer the epoch of the cosmic reionization, and several authors reported a decrease of the Lya luminosity function from z = 5.7 to 6.6 (e.g., Ouchi et al. 2010; Kashikawa et al. 2011). However, the effect of cosmic variance is quite large and the IGM neutral fraction at z = 6.6 has still not yet determined well (Ouchi et al. 2010). Measuring the Lya fraction provides complementary information to understand the reionization process (e.g., Stark et al. 2010). Since LBGs are selected over a broader range of redshifts, their number density is less sensitive to cosmic variance. Furthermore, the Lya fraction method requires deep spectroscopic observations for dropout galaxies, whose UV continuum has been detected; thus, the denominator and the numerator of the Lya fraction are derived based on exactly the same sample, being different from the Lya luminosity function method. In this sense, the Lya fraction method is more robust one for probing a possible decrease in the neutral fraction of the IGM. Stark et al. (2011) reported that the Lya fraction increases with redshift from z ~4 to 6, and this trend is likely explained by the evolution in the amount of dust extinction in dropout galaxies. It is interesting to see if this trend continues toward higher redshift (z > 6) or not, since this epoch may correspond to the end of the cosmic reionization, which expects to cause a decrease in the Lya fraction.

Recently, Ouchi et al. (2009b) have built a sample of z-dropout galaxies in the Subaru Deep Field (SDF) and the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) norther field. These objects are appropriate for follow-up spectroscopic observations because of their apparent brightnesses. In this thesis, we present the results of our ultra-deep Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopy of z-dropout galaxies in the SDF and GOODS-N. For 3 out of 11 objects, we detect an emission line at ~1μm with a signal-to-noise ratio of ~ 10. The lines show asymmetric profiles with high weighted skewness values, consistent with being Lya, yielding redshifts of z = 7.213, 6.965, and 6.844. Specifically, we confirm the z = 7.213 object in two independent DEIMOS runs with different spectroscopic configurations. The z = 6.965 object is a known Lya emitter, 10K-1, for which our improved spectrum at a higher resolution yields a robust skewness measurement. The three z-dropouts have Lya fluxes of 3 x 10(-17) erg s(-1) cm(-2) and rest-frame equivalent widths EW(Lya)o = 33 - 43A. Based on the largest spectroscopic sample of 43 z-dropouts that is the combination of our and previous data, we find that the fraction of Lya-emitting galaxies (EW(Lya)o> 25A) is low at z 7; 17 f 10% and 24 ± 12% for bright (M(uv)〓 -21) and faint (M(uv)〓 -19.5) galaxies, respectively. The fractions of Lya-emitting galaxies drop from z - 6 to 7 and the amplitude of the drop is larger for faint galaxies than for bright galaxies. These two pieces of evidence would indicate that the neutral hydrogen fraction of the IGM increases from z N 6 to 7, and that the reionization proceeds from high- to low-density environments, as suggested by an inside-out reionization model.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する



第2章はすばるXMMニュートンディープサーベイ(SXDS)フィールドですばる望遠鏡/Suprime-Camの狭帯域フィルタ撮像によって検出されたz=5.7及びz=6.6のLAEのスペクトルを調べたものである。SXDSフィールドにはすばる望遠鏡/Suprime-Camによる可視広帯域フィルタ撮像に加え、UKIRT望遠鏡/WFCAMによる近赤外撮像、Spitzer宇宙望遠鏡/IRACによる中間赤外撮像の非常に深いデータがある。しかし、個々のLAEの連続光は非常に暗く、これらデータをもってしても検出はできない。そこでz=5.7と6.6 LAEの画像を165天体と91天体、それぞれ重ね合わせるスタッキング解析を行った。これにより、検出限界を一桁前後深くすることができ、静止波長で0.1μmから1μmでのこれらLAEのスペクトルエネルギー分布(SED)を得ることに成功した。

さらにこのSEDを銀河のモデルスペクトルによりフィットした。LAEのようなダストが少なく、活発な星形成を行なっていると考えられる銀河では各種輝線の等価幅が大きくなることが予想される。論文提出者は、広帯域フィルタであってもその等価幅の大きな輝線の影響は無視できないと考え、恒星の連続光だけでなく、電離ガス雲から発せられる輝線を含んだモデルスペクトルを導入した。その結果、恒星の連続光の上に電離ガス雲の輝線が乗った若い銀河のスペクトルモデルでSEDを説明できることを示した。また、これら銀河の典型的な質量は10(7-8)太陽質量と非常に軽く、年齢は数百万年と非常に若い。そのことから、これら銀河は近傍のフィールド銀河の元(building block)になった天体であると推測した。


第3章は、すばるディープフィールド及び、Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey North(GOODS-N)フィールドで同定された、z~7のLBG候補11天体のKeck望遠鏡/DEIMOSによる非常に深い可視分光フォローアップ観測結果である。この観測により、3天体で強いライマンα輝線を検出し、赤方偏移の同定に成功した。その中でも一天体はz=7.213にあり、これまで発見された最も遠方の非対称なライマンα輝線プロファイルをもつ、すなわち確実にz=7.213にあるLAEだと見なせる天体である。これら分光結果にこれまでの他の分光観測結果を合わせることにより、紫外連続光光度が小さいLBG中のLAEの割合がz<6で単調増加してきたにもかかわらずz=7で大幅に減少していることを明らかにした。これに対して、紫外連続光光度が大きいLBGについては大幅な減少は見られない。これらの結果より論文提出者は、z=6から7へと時代を遡ることで紫外連続光光度が小さい銀河の周囲、すなわち銀河の低密度領域で宇宙の電離度が大きく減少した可能性があり、これは高密度領域ほど宇宙再電離が先に起こるとする"inside-out"のモデルに合致することを指摘した。


以上、本論文は現在人類が観測できる最遠方の宇宙での銀河の性質と、それが宇宙再電離とどのように関連しているのかを、現在入手できる最も深い観測データを用いて明らかにしたものである。特に(1) z~6のLAEのSEDが非常に強い輝線を含めたモデルでよく再現できることを示したこと、(2) 最遠方のLBGを分光同定し、LBG中のLAEの割合の進化を宇宙再電離の視点からまとめ直して解釈したことは、すばるを始めとした現在の最先端観測装置の性能を極限まで用いた独創性の高い成果である。これらは、今後TMTやJWSTが更に遠方、あるいは暗い天体の観測を進めていく上でも基礎的な情報になる結果であり、学問的価値も高い。

なお、本論文の第2章および第3章は大内正己、嶋作一大、岡村定矩、柏川伸成、中島王彦、James Dunlop、Duncan Farrah、Ross McLure、Hooshang Nayyeri、Mark Dickinson、Kyle Penner、Benjamin J. Weiner、Jeyhan S. Kartaltepe、Bahram Mobasher、Daniel Stern、Hyron Spinradとの共同研究であるが、論文提出者が主体となって観測、データ解析、及び科学的議論を行ったもので、論文提出者の寄与が十分であると判断する。


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