
No 127807
著者(漢字) 森重,学
著者(カナ) モリシゲ,マナブ
標題(和) マントル対流の数値計算に基づく沈み込み帯付近の地震波速度異方性の推定
標題(洋) Estimate of seismic anisotropy around subduction zone based on numerical simulations of mantle convection
報告番号 127807
報告番号 甲27807
学位授与日 2012.03.22
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5810号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 地球惑星科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 栗田,敬
 東京大学 教授 本多,了
 東京大学 准教授 小河,正基
 東京大学 准教授 竹内,希
 東京大学 教授 ゲラー,ロバート
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

The observations of seismic anisotropy are considered to be useful to constrain the mantle flow and they suggest the existence of complex 3D mantle flow around subduction zones. In this thesis, I aim to understand the type of the mantle flow around the subduction zones by comparing the seismic anisotropy estimated from the numerical simulation of mantle convection and that from observations. First, as a useful tool to compare the results of numerical simulation with the observations of specific subduction zones, I improved the previous numerical model of subduction zone so that cylindrical and spherical geometries are taken into account. Using this improved model, I found that the effects of Earth's curvature on the mantle flow in the upper mantle is not so large, at least for the assumed parameters.

Second, as a case study to constrain the mantle flow around subduction zones by using seismic anisotropy, I estimated P-wave anisotropy in the mantle wedge below Tohoku region, Japan, in the presence of small-scale convection and compared these results with observations. I modified the numerical model of subduction zone so that the deformation due to the dislocation creep (i.e., nonlinear rheology) is taken into account. The estimated fast direction of P-wave propagation projected on horizontal cross-sections is almost the same as the direction of plate motion, which implies that the effects of large-scale mantle flow associated with subducting slab is still dominant even when smallscale convection occurs. On the other hand, in vertical cross-sections, the projected fast direction of P-wave propagation tends to tilt vertically in the presence of small-scale convection, particularly near its downwellings. However, the present studies of P-wave anisotropy determine the fast direction of P-wave propagation only in the horizontal cross-sections. Therefore, the seismological technique to determine the fast direction of P-wave propagation including vertical direction (or in 3D) gives us the essential information to know whether the small-scale convection occurs in the mantle wedge or not. I further showed the possibility that we can resolve seismically the upwelling and downwelling associated with the small-scale convection with the spatial resolution of ~10 km, if it exists. These findings provide us with new perspectives in interpreting the observation of seismic anisotropy in the mantle wedge.

Finally, I estimated P-wave anisotropy in the subduction zone from Tohoku to southwestern Kurile region, Japan. I found that the geometry of subducting slab obtained in the numerical simulation qualitatively agrees with that from the seismic observations, that is, (1) the angle of subduction is smallest at the plate junction, and (2) the angle of subduction is larger in the place where oblique subduction occurs than in the place with non-oblique subduction. These characteristic features may be explained by the torque balance acting on subducting slab for the case with oblique subduction and the following bending at the plate junction. The fast direction of P-wave propagation in the mantle wedge is trench-normal at all the depths considered. Assuming that this direction is almost the same as the fast polarization direction of S-wave splitting, the obtained result is consistent with the observation. It suggests that the 3D mantle flow similar to that obtained in the numerical simulation exists in the mantle wedge in this region. The shape of the trench is an important factor that controls both the mantle flow and the deformation of subducting slab.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する




なお、本論文第2章は、本多了氏、Paul Tackley氏との共同研究であり、第3章は、本多了氏との共同研究であるが、論文提出者が主体となり数値計算および検証を行ったもので、論文提出者の寄与が十分であると判断する。


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