
No 127955
著者(漢字) 平田,倫啓
著者(カナ) ヒラタ,ミチヒロ
標題(和) 擬二次元有機伝導体 α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3におけるゼロ質量ディラックフェルミオンのNMR研究
標題(洋) NMR Studies of Massless Dirac Fermions in the Quasi-Two-Dimensional Organic Conductor α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3
報告番号 127955
報告番号 甲27955
学位授与日 2012.03.22
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第7723号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 物理工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 鹿野田,一司
 東京大学 准教授 石坂,香子
 東京大学 准教授 長田,俊人
 東京大学 教授 瀧川,仁
 名古屋大学 教授 鈴村,順三
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

1. Introduction

This thesis explores the electronic structure of the quasi-two-dimensional (Q2D) massless-Dirac-fermion system realized in the layered organic conductor α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 (α-I3; Fig. 1) under hydrostatic pressures. Our study has been motivated by the ideality and uniqueness of α-I3 for the unprecedented exploration of local electronic properties relevant to the tilted Dirac cone with strong electron-electron interactions by means of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), which is an excellent probe to resolve density of states with a high real-space resolution.

α-I3 is known as a strongly correlated metal which undergoes a metal-insulator (M-I) transition with charge ordering at low pressures due to strong electron-electron Coulomb repulsions.[1] The M-I transition is suppressed by applying hydrostatic pressures, and disappears at PC of ca. 1.5GPa,[2] above which an electronic phase with linear dispersion near the Fermi level - massless Dirac fermion (MDF) - is emergent at low temperatures,[3] in analogy with monolayer carbon atoms; graphene. MDFs of α-I3 have three outstanding features distinguished from other MDF systems. First, the massless Dirac cones are tilted and locate at general points in momentum space (kD and -kD; Fig. 2), while those in graphene are isotropic and locate at high-symmetric K and K' points. Secondly, owing to the narrow bandwidth, strong electron correlations are present in α-I3 , as evidenced by charge ordering at low pressures. Finally, α-I3 is a bulk material that affords us a rare opportunity to observe MDFs microscopically with bulk measurements such as NMR. All of these features, hence, make α-I3 a distinctive system in which electronic properties of MDFs can be explored by NMR techniques in association with electron correlation effects, which have been hard to perform in other MDF systems including graphene. A leitmotif in this thesis is thus to reveal detailed local electronic structures of MDFs in α-I3 with the use of 13C NMR.

The thesis is divided into two parts; the first two sections (Sec. 3.1 and 3.2 in the following) present our microscopic 13C-NMR studies of MDFs in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field (i.e., electron spins are polarized but the kinetic energy is not quenched). We have uncovered that the electronic state in α-I3 is indescribable by a simple band structure without electron correlations over a wide temperature range; interaction-enhanced susceptibility and NMR relaxation rate T1-1 at high energies, and/or reshaped Dirac cones with the reduced density of states (DOS) near the Dirac point are emergent. In the next section (Sec. 3.3), we present the NMR results of the zero-mode Landau level (z-mLL) generated at the Dirac point under perpendicular magnetic fields. Owing to the high sensitivities of NMR to the DOS near the Fermi level, we have been able to make accurate measurements of the zero-mode Landau quantization both by NMR shift and relaxation rate T1-1 measurements. All of these results open up new possibilities in the field of MDFs, especially the explorations of strongly correlated MDFs and its spin and valley symmetry breakings by NMR spectroscopy.

2. Experimental

Single crystals of α-I3 are prepared by conventional electrochemical method, whereby the central carbon sites in ET molecules are selectively enriched by 13C isotopes (nuclear spin I = 1/2) with 99% concentration for 13C-NMR measurements (Fig. 1 right). NMR spectra are obtained by the Fourier transformation of spin-echo signals. Spin-lattice relaxation rate T1-1 is determined by the saturation and recovery method. Hydrostatic pressures of ca. 2.0GPa are applied to the sample with BeCu/NiCrAl clump-type pressure cell and the Daphne oil 7373 as the pressure medium. Low field measurements are done using a superconducting split-pair magnet with fields up to 6T (Sec. 3.1 - 3.3), while high field measurements up to 15T are done with another magnet (Sec. 3.3).

3. Results and Discussions

3.1 High-pressure NMR characterization of massless Dirac fermions (MDFs) under in-plane field

We first measured site-averaged NMR local electron spin susceptibility Xs (determined by Knight shift K; Fig. 3A) and nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate T1-1 (Fig. 3B) under an in-plane field of 6T at 2.3GPa. We found that power-law behaviors expected in uncorrelated MDF collapse above ca. 30K, accompanied by large enhancements with downward convex behaviors in both K and T1-1 which are not predicted by theoretical calculations without electron-electron correlations.[4] We further explored the molecule-site dependence of Xs and T1-1 at three nonequivalent molecular sites in the unit cell (i.e., A, B, and C; Fig. 1 left) and confirmed a large spin-density disproportionation in both of them, C > A > B, which can be basically explained by a novel site-band correspondence inherent to the tilted Dirac cone;[4] the B site probes the steep slope of the tilted Dirac cone with a small DOS, while C site does its gentle slope with a large DOS, and A site is in between them. The temperature profiles of Xs are different on B and C sites. Moreover, spin fluctuations, evaluated via the Korringa ratio K ~ (T1TK2)-1, show site-specific temperature dependence. These results suggest that electron correlations develop in a strongly momentum-dependent manner in momentum space. The overall results imply that, owing to the intense electron correlations, the DOS might be pushed up at a high energy scale well above the Dirac point (akin to the usual Stoner enhancement), whereas it is pushed down at low energies close to the Dirac point, giving rise to the downward convex behaviors in Xs and T1-1. These findings, in turn, leads to a new explanation for MDF picture residing in the proximity of a correlation-induced charge ordered phase.

3.2 Ambient-pressure NMR characterization of conducting state under in-plane field

In this section, the ambient-pressure conducting phase above the M-I transition temperature was investigated by 13C NMR under an in-plane magnetic field of 6T,[5] finding that susceptibility, relaxation rate, and Korringa ratio exhibit basically the same site-dependent characteristics as observed at high pressures. From these results, we demonstrate that, contrary to common beliefs, this phase can be well understood on the basis of tilted-Dirac-cone picture that has been originally validated only under high pressures, providing a unified view of conducting phases in α-I3.

3.3 Zero-mode Landau level (z-mLL) observed by NMR

Here, we observed orientation dependence of spin-lattice relaxation rate T1-1 in the plane normal to the 2D conducting layer under 5.2T at 2.2GPa. A clear difference is found between in-plane and normal-plane geometries in (T1T)-1 at low temperatures (Fig. 3C), indicating a spectral-density shift toward the Fermi level under the normal field condition. Together with the orientation dependence of (T1T)-1 at several field geometries, we argue that these results provide an evidence of z-mLL, inherited from the massless Dirac cone, and its spin splitting effect.

To extend the study of the z-mLL to higher fields, we measured spin-lattice relaxation rate T1-1 with a strong magnetic field of 15T applied normal to the conducting plane at 2.2GPa. We find a large enhancement in (T1T)-1 from that in 5.2T with a similar plateau-like structure followed by a sharp drop around 10K, indicating an increase in DOS at the Fermi level probably due to increased LL degeneracy. Moreover, we observed a signature of spontaneous symmetry breaking in low-temperature NMR spectra that is not observed at 5.2T. The result may be relevant to the theoretical studies predicting a symmetry breakage driven by the strong electron-electron interactions in MDF systems; [6] the valley-degeneracy of z-mLL might split at these intense fields, accompanied by an inversion symmetry breaking. As a whole, these results are the first direct observation of the z-mLL by NMR, and demonstrate the potential availability of NMR for investigations of symmetry breakages relevant to spin and valley degeneracy splitting in MDF systems.

4. Conclusion

This thesis presents a comprehensive exploration of massless Dirac fermions in α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 under hydrostatic pressures, with 13C-NMR spectroscopy. Under an in-plane field (Sec. 3.1), we reveal that the local spin susceptibility Xs and nuclear relaxation rate T1-1 both exhibit large enhancements, with downward convex behaviors, from the theoretical values without electron correlations. These results indicate that a simple Dirac-cone picture without electron-electron interactions collapses over a wide temperature range, possibly implying that the Dirac cone is largely reshaped by intense correlations. The conducting phase at ambient pressure (Sec. 3.2) is also revealed to be well understood by the Dirac-cone picture with strong electron correlations similar to the high-pressure phase, contrary to common beliefs. Under out-of-plane magnetic fields (Sec. 3.3), we observe clear signatures of the zero-mode Landau level generated at the Fermi level, characteristic of massless Dirac fermions, and its spin and, possibly, valley degeneracy splitting by NMR spectra and T1-1 measurements. All of these results indicate that NMR can be used as an excellent probe to explore the electronic structures near the Dirac point in a massless-Dirac-fermion system with strong electron correlation effects.

[1] I. Kino et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 64, 1877 (1995). [2] H. Schwenk et al., Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 119, 329(1985). [3] S. Katayama et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75, 054705 (2005); N. Tajima et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75, 054705 (2005). [4] S. Katayama et al., Eur. Phys. J. B 67, 139-148 (2009); S. Hirose et al., Phys. Rev. B 82, 115114 (2010). [5] M. Hirata et al., Phys. Rev. B 84, 125113 (2011). [6] A. Kobayashi et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 78, 114711 (2009); K. Nomura et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 256602 (2006).
審査要旨 要旨を表示する

本論文は、擬二次元有機伝導体 α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 (以下α-I3と略記) における質量ゼロのディラックフェルミオンの微視的電子状態に関する実験的研究を報告している。具体的には、ディラックフェルミオン固有の線形分散(ディラックコーン)、また面直磁場下で生じるゼロモードランダウ準位とその自発的対称性の破れに関し、核磁気共鳴法(NMR)を用いた実験的検証が記されている。

序章では、導入として代表的なディラックフェルミオンの系として知られる単層グラファイト (グラフェン) との比較を通じ、α-I3 ディラックフェルミオン系の特質が紹介されている。ディラックフェルミオンとはフェルミ準位近傍で線形な分散関係(ディラックコーン)を有する物質中の電子状態であり、相対論的なディラック方程式によりその運動が記述される点で通常のバンド電子とは異なる。とりわけ、α-I3 におけるディラックフェルミオンは、(i) 波数空間においてコーン中心軸が傾斜した異方的コーン分散を有する点、(ii) バンド幅がグラフェンの10倍強小さく大きな電子相関効果が期待される点、そして (iii) バルクの三次元結晶中で実現するという三点でグラフェンと異なり、グラフェンでは検証困難な微視的電子状態、中でも相関効果や結晶の対称性の議論がバルクのNMR測定により行える稀有な例として紹介されている。本研究の目的は、『伝導面平行、垂直の両磁場配置において、ディラックコーン形状やランダウ量子化の物理をNMR実験により明らかにする事』、と述べられている。

第2章では、NMRの原理、圧力印加機構、試料、および磁場発生装置の詳細が記されている。また後半では、α-I3 単結晶試料の13C-NMR測定データの解析手法について、その概要が典型的な実験結果とともに説明されている。






以上を総合すると、本研究は擬二次元有機伝導体α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 における質量ゼロのディラックフェルミオン系の電子構造と特異なゼロモードランダウ準位構造を核磁気共鳴法によりミクロな視点から初めて定量的に検証したものであり、ディラックフェルミオン系における相関効果と対称性の自発的破れに関する理解を深める上でも重要な知見を多数提示したといえる。これはグラフェンを含むディラック電子系全体の研究に新たな切り口で独自の光を当てるものであり、物性物理学および物理工学の発展に寄与するところが大きい。


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