
No 128106
著者(漢字) ウーゴ マサヨシ シモ
著者(英字) Hugo Massayoshi Shimo
著者(カナ) ウーゴ マサヨシ シモ
標題(和) イネにおけるカドミウム耐性および蓄積に関連する新規遺伝子の同定とその性質
標題(洋) Identification and characterization of new genes related to cadmium tolerance and accumulation in rice
報告番号 128106
報告番号 甲28106
学位授与日 2012.03.22
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(農学)
学位記番号 博農第3822号
研究科 農学生命科学研究科
専攻 農学国際専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 山川,隆
 東京大学 教授 山根,久和
 東京大学 教授 黒倉,壽
 東京大学 教授 吉村,悦郎
 東京大学 准教授 松本,安喜
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

1. Cadmium (Cd) pollutant and the molecular biology strategies to mitigate its toxic effects

Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal that has been widely released into the environment. Once released into the environment, Cd enters the biogeochemical cycle and tends to accumulate in soils and sediments, where it becomes available to rooted plants. Cd uptake is harmful to most plants; it can reduce plant growth, and even kill plants in extreme cases. Critical problems related to environmental exposure to Cd were reported in Japan in the early 20th century; people consuming contaminated food and water developed "itai-itai disease", which caused renal abnormalities and weak bones. To suppress Cd pollution, most industrialized nations have set strict limits on Cd exposure, and in 2004 the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, in association with the Codex Alimentarius Commission, established allowable limits for Cd levels in food; for rice, the limit was set at 0.4mg/kg. The mechanisms that control Cd accumulation in the edible parts of plants are poorly understood. For the general population, the major route of Cd exposure is through food. Rice grains contaminated with Cd represent a major risk to the health of more than half of the world's population, which depends on rice as a basic staple. With the goal of improving food safety, the current study aimed to identify genes related to Cd tolerance and accumulation in rice.

2. Rice screening for Cd phenotype

Insertional mutagenesis is one of the most useful methods for analyzing gene function. When foreign DNA is inserted into a gene, it not only creates a mutation but also tags the affected gene, facilitating its isolation and characterization. In the present work, around 9500 seeds from 3993 independent knockout rice lines were screened for Cd tolerance tagged by the gene trap vector, pGA2707, resulting in selection of two tolerant lines (lcd and mmm) to MS medium containing Cd from this library and a third line (pez2) was obtained through screening of lines potentially related to Cd.

3. Low cadmium (LCD), a novel gene related to cadmium tolerance and accumulation in rice

([1] Shimo et al., J. Exp. Bot. 2011)

The lcd mutant showed tolerance to Cd on agar plates and in hydroponic culture during early plant development. Metal concentration measurements in hydroponically grown plants revealed significantly less Cd in the shoots of lcd plants compared with wild-type (WT) shoots. When cultured in the field in soil artificially contaminated with low levels of Cd, lcd showed no significant difference in the Cd content of its leaf blades; however, the Cd concentration in the grains was 55% lower in 2009 and 43% lower in 2010. There were no significant differences in plant dry weight or seed yield between lcd and WT plants. LCD, a novel gene, is not homologous to any other known gene. LCD localized to the cytoplasm and nucleus, and was expressed mainly in the vascular tissues in the roots and phloem companion cells in the leaves. These data indicate that lcd may be useful for understanding Cd transport mechanisms and is a promising candidate rice line for use in combating the threat of Cd to human health.

4. Characterizing a constitutively expressed Mn and Fe transporter in rice

([2] Ishimaru and Shimo et al., Submitted)

The mmm mutant showed tolerance to Cd on agar plates. The mutant showed an interesting low Mn and high Cd accumulation phenotype. Microarray analysis showed a very strong knockdown of the CNP gene, which was hypothesized as the causative gene for the altered metal accumulation phenotype. Transport activity assays revealed CNP as an Fe, Mn and Cd transporter. It localizes to the plasma membrane and is expressed mainly in the cortex and epidermis of the roots. CNP RNAi experiments confirmed the previous hypothesis showing a similar metal accumulation phenotype to mmm mutants.

Suppression of CNP led to accumulation of Cd in shoots. Anjana Dhan, a high biomass and high Cd accumulating variety had CNP suppressed by RNAi, showing even higher Cd accumulation in shoots. This line represents an important achievement for phytoremediation.

5. Rice phenolics efflux transporter 2 (PEZ2) plays an important role in solubilizing apoplasmic Fe

([3] Bashir and Shimo et al., Soil Sci. Plant Nutrition. in press)

Here the identification of a phenolics efflux transporter in rice is described named phenolics efflux zero 2 (PEZ2). In pez2, the amount of protocatechuic acid (PCA), caffeic acid (CA) and Fe in the xylem sap was dramatically reduced and Cd accumulation in seeds was higher, suggesting a link between xylem apoplasmic Fe solubility and Cd accumulation in grains. As reported by previously Cd translocation in rice is greatly affected by Fe status and its transport system. Despite the fact PEZ2 being a PCA transporter directly related to apoplasmic Fe solubility which directly affects Fe transport activity in rice; it can also affects the Cd distribuition inside the plant. In this scenario, reduction of PCA in the xylem would indirectly affects the Cd status in the plant by a cascade response related to Fe homeostasis. More studies are needed to elucidate Cd xylem transport in plants.

6. Conclusions and perspectives

Cd contamination poses a serious hazard to human health and uptake of Cd into plants and its translocation to the edible parts are the primary avenue through which Cd enters the food chain. In fact Cd is not an essential element for plants but due to its high solubility, and similar physical and chemical properties to other cations it is readily taken up by plants from soil and translocated to different parts of the plant. Although the mechanisms of Cd tolerance, accumulation and translocation in rice remain to be fully elucidated, these data taken together, shows the importance of the uptake (CNP) and transport systems (phloem, LCD and xylem, PEZ2) in rice for Cd toxicity. With the goal of combating the threat Cd represents to human health and using the knowledge acquired during this study, two important mutant lines were achieved. The lcd mutant, accumulating low amounts of Cd in grains for safer food production, and CNPi, accumulating high amounts of Cd in the upper parts of the plant for phytoremediation. The next steps toward safer food production would apply the Cd homeostasis knowledge available to combine the manipulation of different processes of Cd tolerance, uptake and translocation in order to breed new lines showing phenotypes even more distinct than the ones presented in this work.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する


第1章は、序論である。カドミウムは人体に対して有害な重金属の一つであり、体内に取り込まれるとさまざまな健康被害を引き起こす。カドミウムは亜鉛や銅の採掘や精錬の過程の副産物として排水や排煙と共に、広く自然環境中に放出され拡散した。カドミウムの環境中への放出が大きな問題となったのは20世紀初期の日本であり、カドミウムに汚染された水や食品によって、イタイイタイ病が引き起こされた。現在多くの国々ではカドミウムの放出に厳しい制限をしており、また2004年のFAO/WHO食品添加物合同専門家会議ではCODEX委員会とともに食品中のカドミウムの許容量を設定し、コメでは0.4 mg/kgと決定した。日本人のカドミウム摂取量の約4割はコメに由来していることから、イネ種子へのカドミウム蓄積を減らすことが重要な課題となっている。一方、食品中の可食部分にどのようにカドミウムが蓄積されるか、その制御機構は十分明らかにされていない。そこで、本研究では食品の安全性を向上させることを目的に、イネのT-DNA挿入ライブラリーからカドミウム耐性、および蓄積に関与する遺伝子の同定とその解析を試みている。

第2章ではイネのT-DNA挿入ライブラリーからカドミウム低蓄積性のイネのスクリーニングについて述べ、第3章では得られたイネの変異株をもとに、カドミウム低蓄積性 Low cadmium(LCD)遺伝子について述べている。LCDの機能が欠損したlcd変異株は成長の初期に寒天培地上および水耕栽培でカドミウム耐性を示した。水耕栽培で育成したイネの金属含量の測定の結果、野生株と比較して地上部でカドミウム含量がはるかに低いことが分かった。さらに人工的にカドミウムの低濃度汚染土壌を作って野外栽培したところ、この変異株は葉身ではカドミウム含量に大きな変化は見られなかったものの、玄米中のカドミウム含量は55%(2009年試験)、および43%(2010年試験)減少していた。一方、イネの乾物重と種子収量は変異株と野生株の間で大きな差は見られなかった。この新規遺伝子LCDは既知の遺伝子とは相同性が見られず、発現したタンパク質は細胞質と核に局在して、根の維管束組織と葉の篩部の伴細胞で発現していた。以上の結果からLCD遺伝子は、イネにおけるカドミウムの輸送機構の解明に有用であるとともに、LCDの機能が欠損したイネは汚染土壌で栽培しても、玄米中のカドミウム含量が約半分に減少することから、カドミウムによる健康被害への対策として有望なイネの品種(系統)の候補になると述べている。


第5章では、イネにおけるフェノール性酸の排出トランスポーターの同定について述べている。フェノール性酸排出トランスポーター、PEZ2が、イネの細胞外における鉄の可溶化に重要な役目を果たしており、PEZ2の欠損によりイネがカドミウムを多量に蓄積することを明らかにしている。PEZ2を欠損したイネ変異株は、導管液中にフェノール性酸であるプロトカテク酸とカフェ酸が検出されないことから、phenolics efflux zero 2(pez2)と命名した。



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