
No 128411
著者(漢字) 内藤,裕一
著者(カナ) ナイトウ,ユウイチ
標題(和) 骨コラーゲン構成アミノ酸の窒素同位体比を用いた先史日本人集団の食性復元
標題(洋) Dietary reconstruction of prehistoric Japanese populations based on nitrogen isotopic composition of individual amino acids in bone collagen
報告番号 128411
報告番号 甲28411
学位授与日 2012.03.22
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(生命科学)
学位記番号 博創域第770号
研究科 新領域創成科学研究科
専攻 先端生命科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 准教授 米田,穣
 東京大学 教授 河村,正二
 東京大学 教授 河野,重行
 農業資源生物研究所(兼担講座) 客員准教授 高橋,透
 海洋研究開発機構 プログラムディレクタ 大河内,直彦
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Varieties of prehistoric human populations in Japan across geographical regions and chronological time periods were investigated in light of dietary habits. Using the new analytical technique, nitrogen isotope analysis of individual amino acid, I successfully answered some of the questions previously raised by archaeological and anthropological studies.

It has been pointed out that this technique has the following advantages over the traditional isotope analysis of bulk materials: (I) Exogenous substances other than the objective compound can be eliminated; (II) Physiological and biochemical processes in which each compound has experienced could be investigated. Owing to the above advantage, the high resolution trophic level analysis of organisms in modern ecosystems and its application to the archaeological human remains based on this technique now provide us more precise and detailed picture of the dietary habits for ancient humans.

In this study, I aimed (i) to explore special utilities of the nitrogen isotope analysis of amino acids in bone for human palaeodietary research and (ii) to reconstruct prehistoric Japanese diets in higher resolution in order to examine several archaeological and anthropological issues. Towards these ends, I focus on four case studies and try to investigate dietary habits of: the coastal Jomon population (ca. 6,000-5,300 cal BP); the Okhotsk Cukture populations (ca. AD. 550-1200); the inland Jomon populations (ca. 9,700-9,100 cal BP and 5,000-3,000 BP); and the late Pleistocene Ishigaki Islanders (ca. 20,000-16,000 BP).

With respect to the methodological aspects in human dietary reconstruction, the new findings in this study are as follows: (1) it is possible to clearly separate marine and terrestrial ecosystems based on the nitrogen isotope composition of phenylalanine, though there could be some exceptions as shown in the case of the Okhotsk Culture sites where unexpectedly large variation was observed in this indicator for faunal species; (2) the nitrogen isotope composition of phenylalanine could serve as an indicator for marine protein consumption by ancient humans; (3) the TLAA (amino acid trophic level) estimates can be applied to archaeological faunal remains both from marine and terrestrial ecosystems; (4) the TLAA estimates could be applied to ancient humans who strongly adapted to terrestrial ecosystems and it is possible to evaluate their extent of carnivory based on this value. The latter three findings could be useful for quantitative evaluation of ancient human diets. In addition to the above findings, (5) archaeological samples with very poorly preserved conditions in this study can show reasonable With respect to the methodological aspects in human dietary reconstruction, the new findings in this study are as follows: (1) it is possible to clearly separate marine and terrestrial ecosystems based on the nitrogen isotope composition of phenylalanine, though there could be some exceptions as shown in the case of the Okhotsk Culture sites where unexpectedly large variation was observed in this indicator for faunal species; (2) the nitrogen isotope composition of phenylalanine could serve as an indicator for marine protein consumption by ancient humans; (3) the TLAA (amino acid trophic level) estimates can be applied to archaeological faunal remains both from marine and terrestrial ecosystems; (4) the TLAA estimates could be applied to ancient humans who strongly adapted to terrestrial ecosystems and it is possible to evaluate their extent of carnivory based on this value. The latter three findings could be useful for quantitative evaluation of ancient human diets. In addition to the above findings, (5) archaeological samples with very poorly preserved conditions in this study can show reasonable TM15N values at least for glutamic acid and phenylalanine. This suggests that the poorly preserved samples in light of established criteria (i.e., the C/N atomic ratio) might be still applicable for palaeodietary study δ15N values at least for glutamic acid and phenylalanine. This suggests that the poorly preserved samples in light of established criteria (i.e., the C/N atomic ratio) might be still applicable for palaeodietary study.

With respect to the archaeological and anthropological questions, the new findings are as follows: (a) some regional differences in dietary habits of the Okhotsk Culture peoples, especially between northern (Rebun Island) and eastern (Abashiri) Hokkaido, were observed for the first time; (b) the Jomon populations in inland central Honshu may have had more carnivorous diets (ca. 54-70% dietary animal protein contribution) than is traditionally assumed; (c) the late Pleistocene human population in Ishigaki Island clearly adapted to terrestrial ecosystem and exploited not much amount of marine food resources (less than 10%). The last finding is not consistent with previously proposed hypothetical models about the adaptations to coastal and island environments for Pleistocene human populations and may require further examinations of these models at least around Japan.

The above new findings suggest that the nitrogen isotope analysis of individual amino acids in bone is quite useful to precisely evaluate dietary habits of prehistoric human populations.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

内藤裕一氏によって提出された博士学位申請論文「Dietary reconstruction of prehistoric Japanese populations based on nitrogen isotopic composition of individual amino acids in bone collagen」(骨コラーゲン構成アミノ酸の窒素同位体比を用いた先史日本人集団の食性復元)は、過去の骨資料に残存する有機物に着目し、従来タンパク質(コラーゲン)全体で行われてきた同位体分析を、個別アミノ酸における窒素同位体分析に進化させた画期的な研究であると評価された。海洋生態学であらたに開発されたアミノ酸の窒素同位体比分析の手法を、骨から抽出したコラーゲンに応用するための前処理手法を自ら開発し、その有効性を実際に北黄金貝塚(縄文時代前期)、北村貝塚(縄文時代中期)、栃原洞穴(縄文時代早期)、浜中遺跡(オホーツク文化)、モヨロ貝塚(オホーツク文化)から出土した人骨および各種動物骨から抽出したアミノ酸を分析し、生態学的なニッチの異なる動物種について現在の生態系から期待される関係が、遺跡から出土する動物骨でも観察されることを、とくにグルタミン酸とフェニルアラニンという2つのアミノ酸に着目して示した。そのうえで、先史時代人のアミノ酸における窒素同位体比の分析結果を比較検討することで、従来のコラーゲン全体における分析よりもはるかに高精度で食性を復元できることを示した。





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