
No 128425
著者(漢字) 井上,健太郎
著者(カナ) イノウエ,ケンタロウ
標題(和) 海洋環境における高度好塩古細菌の分布と特性に関する研究
標題(洋) Distribution and Characterization of Halophilic Archaea in Marine Environments
報告番号 128425
報告番号 甲28425
学位授与日 2012.03.22
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(環境学)
学位記番号 博創域第784号
研究科 新領域創成科学研究科
専攻 自然環境学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 木暮,一啓
 東京大学 教授 小島,茂明
 東京大学 准教授 井上,広滋
 東京大学 教授 永田,俊
 東京大学 准教授 浜崎,恒二
 理化学研究所 専任研究員 伊藤,隆
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Haloarchaea are extremely halophilic, aerobic members of Archaea, classified within the family Halobacteriaceae. For them, seawater salinity (ca. 3.5%) has been regarded to be too low for normal maintenance of the cell wall. However, recent studies have shown the presence of the haloarchaeal 16S rRNA gene in non-hypersaline environments. According to the knowledge, a hypothesis is derived. That is to say, "haloarchaea is certainly being in marine environments." The purpose of this study is to examine this hypothesis. By clarifying distribution, phylogeny, and physiogical property of haloarchaea in marine environments, this study show that haloarchaea the extremephile have more fluidity in the respect of ecology and evolution on the Earth.

In the Chapter I, the hypothesis was examined by culture-dependent and independent methods. In the way of culture dependent method, selective pressure by high salinity was applied for isolation. Isolation of haloarchaea from marine environments provided direct demonstration for the hypothesis. In the way of culture independent method, PCR-DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) was applied for local existence of haloarchaea, and Q-PCR (quantitative polymerase chain reaction) was applied for isolation quantitative determination. As a result, altogether 69 strains were isolated from the the ORI aquarium, Saroma Lagoon, the Arabian Sea, Sagami Bay, and the Japan Sea. Sequence analyses of 16S rRNA gene showed that they are divided into 9 genera, Halococcus, Halogranum, Halovivax, Halorubrum, Halostagnicola, Natrinema, Haloferax, Halalkalicoccus, and presumed novel genus. DGGE analyses of the filter samples indicated that some strains belong to the family Halobacteriaceae were associated with macroaggregates. On the other hand, halophilic group was not detected in the free-living fraction. At the Q-PCR analyses, wide trend showed that haloarchaea were found in deeper zone than Marine Group IV. Attach fractions tend to have smaller number of 16S rRNA gene regardless of target, in contradiction to DGGE result.

In the Chapter II, physiological properties of marine isolates were described. First, the strain KeC-11 which was presumably belong to a novel lineage in the Chapter I, was examined in detail for physiological properties. Subsequently, it was classified as novel genus in family Halobacteriaceae. In addition, hence these isolates were come from relatively low salinity environments, reaction to various salinity conditions were at the center of attention. As a result of examination of growth speed of all 69 isolates by each NaCl concentrations, it was indicated that the optimum salinity for growth of all strains was substantially higher than that of sea water (ca. 3.5%), but was considerably lower than that of Natrinema pallidum, typical obligately halophilic haloarchaeon (30%).

In the Chapter III, whole genome sequencing analysis of Halomarina oriensis KeC-11T, which was described as novel lineage in the Chapter II, was carried out. Genomic information provides potential metabolic ability, hence it is one answer how extreme halophiles adapt to low salinity. Followed by annotation using the BLAST (Basic local alignment search tool) search and the Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COGs) of proteins, comparative analysis of complete haloarchaeal protein sets were carried out. As a result of analysis, it became apparent that the genome of strain KeC-11T is 4,072,440 bp long and comprises one main circular chromosome of 3.1 Mbp with a 67.7% G+C content and nine plasmids (p1 to p9) that have a total of 0.96 Mb with 59.1 to 67.9% G+C contents. This situation of multiple plasmid possession is presumed as a result of environmental pressure to acquire genes for adaptivity in seawater. Curiously strain KeC-11T has osmoprotectant transport pathway which is prevailing mechanism among only other moderate halophiles. The accumulation of compatible solutes as known as "organic-solutes-in strategy" is a rare occurrence for haloarchaea. "Organic-solutes-in strategy" and "high salt-in strategy" are the two principal strategies to re-establish turgor pressure and to circumvent the detrimental consequences of the water loss when exposed to increasing osmolality. Halomarina oriensis may separately use two strategies depending on the environmental salinity with dexterity.

This study provided new classification of halophiles on the base of osmoadaptation strategy, and redefined "euryhaline" as dual strategy holders of "high-salt-in cytoplasm strategy" and "organic-solutes-in cytoplasm strategy." Although it is remarkably rare strategy, it is thought to be important on the boundary area between hypersaline and seawater environments. Development and acquisition of extremely halophilic property is important factor to reaffirming the origin of Marine Group IV. Previous study has indicated that Marine Group IV arose after establishment of the sister-grouping of class Halobacteria and class Candidatus "Nanohaloarchaea," which belong to a new major Euryarchaea lineage, distantly related to well-known haloarchaea. Accordingly, Marine Group IV might be evolved from extremely high salinity environment into sea environment.

In conclusion, this thesis presented here provides the evidences of haloarchaeal existence in marine environments, and in part, physiological and genomic property of marine isolates. It would be an epoch-making data for revaluation of basic biological phenomena such as adaptation, evolution and dispersal mechanism of haloarchaea on a global scale. To my knowledge, this thesis is the first systematic report of microorganisms on the boundary area between hypersaline and marine environments.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する


第1章 序論

地球上の生物の3ドメインのうち1つを占める古細菌は、従来、好熱性、好塩性のものなど、その特殊性に注目して研究が行われてきた。それらの生物はその環境に高度に適応する代わりに、その環境から外へは出ていくことができないと考えられてきた。しかし一方、こうした特殊性を持たない海洋環境にも広く古細菌が存在し、その細胞数は原核生物全体の約1/3に相当することが近年判明した。それらの海洋古細菌は未だ培養株が実験室レベルでの研究に使える段階になく、正式な学名がついていないが、系統的に見るとそのうちの一系統群Marine Group IVは高度好塩古細菌に近縁である。極限―非極限にかかわらずすべての生物は進化で繋がっており、それらは全く独立に進化を遂げたとは考えられない。つまり、両者間に何らかの交流があった、あるいはそれは今でも続いていると考えるべきである。本論文では、「高度好塩古細菌は、高塩分環境から極限―非極限の隔たりを超え、海洋環境に生きて存在している」という仮説を立てた。この仮説を証明するため、本論文では、(1)高度好塩古細菌の分離培養、(2)系統関係と生理性状、(3)特定株のゲノム構造解析、と言ったアプローチで検証を試みた。

第2章 高度好塩古細菌の分離培養と定量


第3章 分離株の新属新種記載および塩分特性に関する生理性状

高度好塩古細菌は、現在まで1科32属に分類されていた。これらはどれも高塩分環境から得られたものであったが、前章で分離された株の中には、ここに属すことのない株が含まれていた。この新規な株に学名をつけること、また生理性状を調べ記述することは生物学の基本であり、今後の研究を円滑に進める上で重要ある。本章では、この一株について詳細な生理性状を調べ、学名Halomarina oriensisとして新属新種を提案した。また、残る68株もあわせて塩分特性を調べた結果、増殖至適塩分が10-20%と中度好塩性を示すものが複数株確認された。塩分特性を分類する呼称については、再定義の提案を含めて第5章で考察している。

第4章 新属新種株のゲノム解析

ゲノム解析の完了している高度好塩古細菌は現在16株が知られているが、それらは全て高塩分環境から得られたものであり、海洋などに生息する生物とは塩分に対応する適応戦略が違う。前章で記載されたHalomarina oriensisのゲノム解析を行った結果、該株は、本来高度好塩古細菌が持ち得ない適合溶質輸送系を持っていることが明らかになった。高塩分環境と海洋環境における生物両方の塩分適応戦略を使い分けることで、極限―非極限の隔たりを越える可能性が示された。

第5章 総合考察




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