
No 128655
著者(漢字) 徐,桐
著者(英字) XU,Tong
著者(カナ) ジョ,トウ
標題(和) 中国の世界遺産都市保全管理政策の今後のあり方に関する研究 : 麗江市の旧市街地における住民の役割の分析を中心に
標題(洋) Study on the Future Conservation Policy of World Heritage Cities under Chinese Administration System : Focusing on the Role of Local Community in the Old Town of Lijiang
報告番号 128655
報告番号 甲28655
学位授与日 2012.09.27
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第7829号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 都市工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 西村,幸夫
 東京大学 教授 出口,敦
 東京大学 准教授 城所,哲夫
 東京大学 准教授 窪田,亜矢
 東京大学 教授 藤井,恵介
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Abstract of Dissertation

In the Administration and policy system of culture heritage conservation in China, the Tangible elements and Intangible element are managed separately.

A.Such condition exists not only because of its formulation process and background, but also influenced by the similar separation in the international conservation system.

・Cultural background for Administration and policy system of culture heritage conservation in China:

・In the Confucianism-centered traditional philosophy of China, to study abstract philosophy, such as spiritual and logical success, as well as to implement the Confucianism to social administration is deemed as being of more importance than to pursue material achievement. Such traditional philosophy of China can be reflected in the classics of Confucianism. (《易・系辞》:"形而上者谓之道,形而下者谓之器"。)

・Under such a philosophy, the idea of preserving historic monument cannot be established at all. In contrast, the historic city walls, imperial palace and other historic architectures were destroyed or regenerated intentionally. Thus before the influence of modern archaeology established based on western philosophy, the conservation idea of cultural heritage was almost all focused on some movable relics.

・Formulation process of the conservation system of China

・Starting point of conservation Legislation in the end of Qing Dynasty (during 1906 ~1911)

・The conservation efforts and ideas in period of the Republic of China (1912~1949)

・The conservation efforts and ideas in the early time of the People's Republic of China (1949~1966)

・The modern conservation efforts, ideas as well as policy system the People's Republic of China (1978~2011)

・ Tangible heritage conservation have formulated its idea influenced by the archaeology.

・ The early conservation relevant activities focusing on the Tangible elements.

・ The Intangible cultural heritage conservation started by litterateur and experts on folklore, who participated little on Tangible heritage conservation affairs.

・ The role of local community was not taken into consideration in the tangible conservation, or little in Intangible cultural heritage conservation.

・Influence of the international system onto the conservation system of China

・Besides the influence of the formulation process of the conservation system of China, in which the conservation of Tangible heritage got launched far before the Intangible ones as analyzed above, after officially admitted and joining the World Convention for protecting the Tangible heritage in 1985 and Intangible Heritage in 2004, the Chinese conservation system also got adjusted to adopt the international system. Such is especially apparent in the Intangible Heritage conservation, as which was just in the starting phase.The preservation policy system of China not only adopted the unified name as the International Convent as the Intangible Culture Heritage, but also established the regulation for nominating and supporting the representative inheritors of important ICH items, which got influenced by Japanese Conservation system of ICH.

・Separated Administrative system for the conservation of the Tangible with Intangible Culture Heritage

・The separated conservation of the Tangible with Intangible heritage is not only reflected by the conservation idea and Policy system, but also by their different Administrative system. As the conservation work of all the categories of Tangible heritage is under the management of the different level of Administration of Cultural Heritage, while for the Intangible ones, the preservation work is Ministry of Culture-leaded model.

・Such a separation in the administration influences especially more, as the organization style of the social resource takes an administration-Centered type.

・Unclear on the role of local community in conservation philosophy for historic area

・Furthermore, the role of local community in preserving the world cultural heritage is not clarified in the World Heritage Convention and Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Convention or other Charters. And such a situation in China, due to the Top-down social management system, as the local community has less power to efficient participate in decision-making process for conservation and Utilization of Historic area.

B.Inspiration from the new tendency and proposal in the conservation of WCH Cities in international scope

As shown in the above diagram, for the category of World heritage cities, especially the ones that the local community still stays and participates actively in the local culture maintenance and reconstruction process, the local community should play the coordinating role between Tangible and Intangible elements conservation.

・Though the problem still lays in that how to achieve the integrated conservation of Tangible Heritage with Intangible Ones, and the role of local community in the World Heritage is also not clearly declared in the Convents. Such two problems have been discussing by the experts and professional Organizations of the world, such as ICOMOS. And some consensus has been reached, in which the Quebec Declaration (Quebec Declaration on the Preservation of the Spirit of Place, adopted on 16th General Assembly of ICOMOS, at Quebec, Canada, 4 October 2008) is one important achievement. Especially for the conservation of Historic area, in which the local community played and now is still playing the central role to hold the culture meaning of both the tangible and intangible elements.

・By analyzing the new tendency of International conservation idea, and transforming the inspiration to the conservation of historic area of China into the Ideal conservation model, the role of local community in integrating the tangible with Intangible elements in historic area identified.

C.As the negotiation-mechanism based on the Machi-Zukuri model has been long in practice for the participation of local community in Japan, thus the case and conservation policy, administration of Japan is referred to for giving inspiration to the Deficiency and Conflicts in the national conservation system of China.

・i). Social power distribution structure as supporting social background for the efficient participation of local community.

・ii). Supporting the establishment of Non-government association, and moreover, leaving some public and social affairs (conservation-decision) be discussed and even determined by such local non-government association in negotiation-mechanism.

・iii). As the above social organizing system, the specific member of local community, who usually hold the leadership Local non-government association, can play a more leading-role in organizing conservation activities, forming the consensus of local community, and transforming the conservation idea into local conservation policy.

・iv). After experienced the specific events or appealing effort of community leader, the self-awareness of whole community can be witnessed, which is essentially Critical point for persisting in the stability of local social-structure in historic area from the erosion of out-coming commercial investors.

D.Aims to identify the current role of local community in the conservation of historic area influenced by the administration system, the old town of Lijiang is taken as a case study to analyze the local implementation of national policy within the real complicated social environment.

・The Old Town of Lijiang, Which is Located in the southwest of China and got inscribed as world heritage in 1997, the local community of the ethnic Naxi, in the history, had constructed the tangible and Intangible Cultural Elements in Such site. This makes them the best inheritors for integrated preserving the Tangible and Intangible heritage elements. But in the real condition, because of the Top-down social management system, the local community became vulnerable to the modernization, globalization, especially the tourism. Such site had witnessed the out-immigration of the local community, and dissolution or even vanishing of local culture.

・The role of local community in the local implementation of National conservation system of China

・To further discuss the specific role of local community in the real condition in the case of the WHC-the Old Town of Lijiang. Influenced by the local implementation of National policy in the administration, and the different typical arrangement of administration work, the representative role of local community in Historic Site will be clarified and analyzed, based on the field survey in Lijiang

・The role of local community influenced by the specific administration model in three-constituent parts of the Old Town of Lijiang- Dayan, Shuhe, Baisha.

・As to make detail analysis and abstractive model of real participation of local community in Cultural conservation, by interviewing the specific groups of local community who are participating in preservation of local culture, the relationship between the stakeholders and the distribution process of the administrative power on culture preservation will be abstracted in a diagram form, and in consequence, to make clear participation model of local community Local Culture under Top-down social management System of China

E.Through the theoretical analysis and demonstration in the local implement of national conservation system, the following conclusion are reached:

・Conflicts existing in the conservation idea and implementation administration system:

・i). Basic focus of attention for International system, National system of China, local implemented administration system and directed stakeholders (Out-coming Investors vs Local community)

・ii). Analysis of the conflicts existing in conservation idea and conservation system of International system, National system of China, local implemented administration system and directed stakeholders(Out-coming Investors vs Local community)

・iii). The influence of the conflicts onto the conservation of World Heritage cities (historic area) of China

・General principles as proposal to the conflicts:

・i). To implement a local community-centered Integrated conservation Intangible cultural heritage together with the Tangible elements of world heritage city-Old town of Lijiang

・ii). To guarantee the local community act their part well in complementing the separated-conservation policy and administration system by transferring part of administration power to local community, especially on the Right to be informed and Participation Right in the decision-making process

・iii). To support the establishment and existence of Non-government Association of local community and Guild of local traditional commercial activities to play the central-role in historic area

・iv). To establish the negotiation-mechanism for coordinating the participation of all stakeholders


1). World Heritage Cities (WHC)

2). Local Community

3). Tangible Element/ Intangible Element

4). Administration and Policy system

5). Old town of Lijiang

6). International conservation System

Diagram 0-1 Inspiration of the Conservation system of Japan

Diagram 0-2 Relationship in conservation of Historic Area under Top-down social administration structure

Diagram 0-3 The Relationship between the local community and the Tangible as well as culture Dimension of World Heritage Cities (WHC)

Diagram 0-4 Role of local community in the conservation of historic area under conservation philosophy of preservation of spirit of Place

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