
No 128741
著者(漢字) 高橋,健太
著者(カナ) タカハシ,ケンタ
標題(和) 証明可能安全かつ実用的なテンプレート保護型生体認証システムに関する研究
報告番号 128741
報告番号 甲28741
学位授与日 2012.09.27
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(情報理工学)
学位記番号 博情第398号
研究科 情報理工学系研究科
専攻 コンピュータ科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 須田,礼仁
 東京大学 教授 萩谷,昌己
 東京大学 講師 蓮尾,一郎
 東京大学 講師 山口,類
 東京大学 准教授 國廣,昇
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Protecting biometric feature data, called templates, is a critical issue in biometric authentication. This is because biometric features such as fingerprints, irises, and vein patterns, are not only private information, but also lifelong characteristics, which cannot be changed or revoked like passwords even if they are compromised. The risk of compromise of templates is especially high in the case of biometric authentication over a network, where templates of all users are typically centralized in an authentication server. Conventional systems have dealt with this problem by encrypting the templates.However, the encrypted templates have to be decrypted to perform matching at the time of authentication. Thus, a skilled attacker who aims at this timing or a malicious administrator of the server can acquire the original biometric feature or templates.

To address this issue, several schemes and various algorithms for template-protecting biometric authentication have been studied, where the biometric features are transformed by a kind of encryption function and matched in the transformed domain. However, it remains a major challenge to achieve both provable security and practicality, i.e. practical matching accuracy, computational efficiency, and usability. The goal of this thesis is to establish a provably secure and practical system for template-protecting biometric authentication. This task involves three challenges: (i) to achieve both provable security (i.e. secrecy and privacy of templates) and practical matching accuracy; (ii) to construct secure (against impersonation), efficient and user-friendly authentication systems and protocols; (iii) to establish a quantitative measure of privacy for biometric templates.

Firstly, we propose a novel and fundamental algorithm for feature transformation, named correlation invariant random filtering or CIRF, based on the number theoretic transform (a kind of discrete Fourier transform defined over a finite field).

The CIRF preserves the matching accuracy of any kind of biometrics whose similarity is measured via cross-correlation between feature images.

Also, it is information-theoretically secure in the meaning that the transformed feature does not leak any information about the original feature under a certain condition on the original feature image. Furthermore, we generalize the CIRF by interpreting the transformation and matching algorithms as polynomial multiplications over a quotient polynomial ring, and derive another algorithm named correlation invariant random polynomial multiplication or CIRPM. We prove that the CIRPM is information-theoretically secure without any condition on the original feature image.

We applied the CIRF and the CIRPM to the chip-matching, one of the fingerprint matching algorithms in practical use, and experimentally show that they do not degrade the matching accuracy.

Secondly, we propose a general scheme to construct secure and efficient biometric authentication protocols with template protection over a network.

Although a large number of studies have been made on algorithms to keep the templates secret, little attention has been made on the security of the whole authentication system and protocols. Thus, we analyze the threats of biometric authentication systems over networks, and extract security requirements. Whereas none of the conventional schemes satisfies all the requirements, our scheme satisfies them by combining a conventional scheme and a zero-knowledge proof protocol. Furthermore, we propose a novel system model and secure protocols with high usability in the meaning that users are not required to carry tokens or remember passwords to manage secret information required to transform features.

Finally, to establish a quantitative measure for privacy of protected biometric templates, we discuss how much information about the identity of a person is derived from biometric templates through a biometric system, from an information theoretical point of view, and define the ``biometric system entropy'' or BSE. We prove that the BSE can be approximated asymptotically by the relative entropy between probability density functions of genuine and impostor similarity scores. The approximated form of the BSE can be easily evaluated for any biometric systems. Finally, we discuss how to evaluate the privacy of protected templates using the BSE and present several numerical examples.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する





第3章は,correlation-invariant random filtering (CIRF) という手法を提案している.これはガロア体上の数論的変換 (NTT) をほどこしランダムな画像Kを掛けてキャンセラブルバイオメトリクスを実現するもので,実験により認証精度の劣化がほとんどないことを示している.また全画素値が非零なら,生体情報が完全に秘匿されることを証明している.続く第4章では,ガロア体 Fq 上の多項式環 Fq[x,y] を考え,イデアル I' = (x^m - α, y^n - β) に対する剰余環 Fq[x,y]/I' 上に CIRF を拡張した CIRPM (correlation-invariant random polynomial multiplication) を定義している. I' が極大イデアルになるよう α, β, m, n を選択することで,Fq[x,y]/I' が体になり,常に生体情報が完全に秘匿される.しかもこれによる認証精度の低下はまったくない.これにより,認証精度の劣化なしに生体情報の完全秘匿を達成した.


第6章では,従来ICカード等に記録されていた鍵となるランダムな画像Kをサーバに格納する方式である Store on Server (SOS) モデルを提案している.提案手法では画像パラメータKとテンプレートTを別々のサーバに格納し,端末がワンタイムパラメータLを生成する.これにより,パラメータサーバ,認証サーバ,端末のいずれかが悪意を持っていても安全なシステムが構築できる.これによりICカード等の携帯が不要となり,利便性の格段な向上を達成した.

第7章では,生体テンプレートに含まれるプライバシー情報の情報量 Biometric System Entropy (BSE) を定義している.これにより,任意の生体認証システムにおける生体テンプレートが有するプライバシー情報量を評価する指標を得た.また,BSEが生体情報の類似度分布のダイバージェンス D(f||g) で近似されることを証明した.さらにこれを用いて指紋,顔,マルチモーダルのプライバシー情報量を評価した.



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