
No 128857
著者(漢字) トラン マイ アン
著者(カナ) トラン マイ アン
標題(和) ベトナムにおける都市構造の変容と詳細地区計画制度の再構築に関する研究 : ハノイ市における事例研究を通じて
報告番号 128857
報告番号 甲28857
学位授与日 2013.03.15
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第7893号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 都市工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 大西,隆
 東京大学 教授 西村,幸夫
 東京大学 准教授 城所,哲夫
 東京大学 准教授 瀬田,史彦
 東京大学 准教授 大月,敏雄
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Vietnam has been enjoying a great social-economic development since the end of 1990s thanks to changes in the policy, especially the Renovation Policy which started in 1986. With the aim to promote socio-economic development and closer integration with the rest of the world, the Renovation Policy ("Doi moi policy") has been a big milestone in the development of Vietnam. This policy was created to facilitate the country to open his door to the market and several of political -economic measures have been implemented to achieve the goals of new market-oriented direction. As a part of economic development policies, urban development policies which started with the popular housing policy have boosted up many changes in the urban built environment.

Most of the current researches are carried out independently, using transitional models to analyze the process of urban transition in Vietnam with the background of "economic transition from a centrally-planned to a more market oriented economy". Research topics like: changes in urban structure, land development mechanism, housing development, etc. usually end up with the conclusion that the current urban planning system is lacking of flexibility and lagging behind the rapid change of the market-oriented economy.

These researches help to draw a clear image and point out current problems of urban planning system in Vietnam. However, they still lack of a comprehensive analysis on the transformation of new urban development process in Hanoi city and its impacts on detailed planning system.

Development control plays a very important role in controlling the rapid urban development in Vietnam, like any other places in the world. The difference is just at the approach used for urban control. In Vietnam, detailed planning approach has been introduced to local governments as a tool for controlling the current rapid development. This system has been under continuing changes and adjustments to cope with increasing demand of urban development.

Changes in structure and image of urban are taking place drastically and unavoidably under great market force but urban planning system as well as related legal platforms cannot easily be changed correspondingly due to restraints in culture, human resources and political system.

The problem is that there has been no comprehensive research that focuses on the transformation of new urban development process and its impacts to the current detailed planning system.

Therefore, there is a great demand for a comprehensive research to study in depth the transformation of the process of rapid urban development, based on practical experiences, not just on particular cases and problems.

There remains many issues in past researches, some of them are:

(1)They do not consider the transformation of the process of new urban development from the perspective of interaction among institutions and agencies and lack of reliable evidences for this transformation

(2)They could not either explain the reason of such changes, or clarify why development control is effective even after being modified for times.

(3)They not yet well established a general framework and put forward criteria to qualify the urban development. In many cases, models for analyzing the development control process as well as criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of planning that have been applied in other countries were applied to Vietnam without modification taking into account characteristics of Vietnam.

With the above-mentioned issues, it is obvious that an empirical study is extremely necessary. The question is how the transformation of new urban development process takes place and what its impacts on urban control system are (specifically, the detailed planning system.)

This question is raised from the context of rapid changes of Hanoi city, especially at newly development areas. The term New Urban Development is used for areas that have been developed rapidly, in close relation with urban areas (since they are expanded areas of urban areas)

The main objectives of this research is to evaluate the process of new urban development taking place in Hanoi city and analyze how it impacts on the development control system especially the detailed planning system .

(1)Whether there is any transformation process of new urban development in Hanoi city from administrative planning mode to more property-led mode. What are advantages and disadvantages?

(2)How did this transformation impact on the change of detailed planning system

(3)What are the impacts of this transformation and change to the built environment in the new urban development areas of Hanoi city

To answer these questions, this research used both qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Qualitative analysis includes an analysis of institutions and agency model to analyze the structure of development control among central government, city government and the district, ward level within the City of Hanoi. The basic tool adopted was literature review and face to face interviews with involved stakeholders within the structure.

Quantitative analysis includes the empirical analysis of the district of Cau Giay, one of the new established districts in Hanoi City.

The empirical analysis conducted at three levels: (1) planning policy and development control at district level, (2) discretion and certainty at formal residential development level, and (3) discretion and certainty at informal residential development in old traditional village level.

The general information at city level was provided by Hanoi Integrated Development and Environment Program(HAIDEP) Master Plan created by the ALMEC Corporation through financing from the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Other information on development control at city level was provided by Hanoi Authority for Urban Planning and Architecture (HAUPA) and Hanoi Authority for Construction (HAC).

With highly supporting from HAUPA and Cau Giay People Committee, author conducted field survey in Cau Giay district from June 4th to July 4th in 2008.

Information obtained from face-to-face interview with stakeholders provides a good understanding the transformation process of the new development in Hanoi city. Discussions with officers and professionals also provide a deep understanding of changes of policies related to development control. This whole process helps to improve the quality and accuracy of this research.

The analysis on the development control of residential development in Cau Giay district provided evidences of transformation process of new urban development areas. Documents and information (Detailed plans, land use plan, technical reports, yearly, monthly reports, building permission, land use certificate…) were mainly provided by Division of Urban Management under Cau Giay PC and HAUPA. Discussions with officers in the Division and some developers also provide a deep understanding of the transformation.

The findings of the Institutional analysis suggested that under the administrative structure and socio-economic background, there have been changes in the development control system. However, this transformation is both evolution and continuity: series of polices on development control were issued in response to the actual circumstances, the most important is the decentralization power of development control to local level. However, at present, still, the development control system includes investment control authorized by planning and investment administration, land use control in general authorized by land administration and urban planning and building control are authorized by urban planning and construction administration.

The research results at district level showed that the existing district detailed plan is out of date and play a role of blue-print only and not be able to regulate the rapid development in the area. It is suggested that the plan at district level should be more strategic and provide the priority of development. It is also found that there is not integration between formal and informal development in the district. To explore the development control system in depth, the research further concentrated on to the analysis of two types of development (1) formal new residential development projects and (2) informal development in Lang Cot Village, an old-traditional existing village in Cau Giay district.

The analysis of the formal new residential development indicated that there two main factors on the certainty in formal residential development are (1) detailed plan regulated mainly by FAR, BCR, and height, (2) mechanism of land transaction (land allocation, land lease and land bidding). It is also found that the current system supporting for more property-led development. With the new decentralized power, the local government has been tried to attract more development in the district by facilitating a wider corridor for developers. For maximizing the benefit of developers, new urban development projects are tent to be more and more luxury and isolated and only meet the demand of small but higher income group rather than proving popular housing for middle income and low income group.

It is found that too much power is given to the local government, especially to the top local officials. The advantage of this concentration of power in local governments is high efficiency in decision making by reducing administrative process. The disadvantage, however, is that top local officials could exert too much influence on the path, or even the details of plan. And the negotiation formally did in many authorities at city level now happened at the local level.

The analysis of informal development in Lang Cot traditional villages revealed that many developers felt difficulties in current development control measures. Such inefficient planning regulations have made informal development unavoidable. Many of small-scale housing were occurring outside formal development control mechanisms and sub-standard residential development was being made without proper provision of infrastructure. Land speculation due to the allocation of too large tracts of agricultural land for a few formal developers causes the supply shortage in new urban areas as well.

In summary, the research emphasizes the importance of improvement of Vietnam detailed planning system based on its historical as well as social basis as a viable framework of development control mechanisms. In particular, current development control mechanisms are principally directed to formal housing developments of the certain level. Flexible development control mechanisms should be introduced to facilitate the supply of affordable housing in particular through individual or small-scale housing developments as a major source of affordable housing supply.

It should have more integrated detailed planning to narrow the gap between formal and informal development as well as more strategic detailed plan at district level and master plan at city level to create a network of new urban development within the city.

Finally, it is emphasizing that there is a need of decentralization the power of development control but together with the streamlining development control process toward more flexible and transparent.

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