
No 128932
著者(漢字) 小河,愛実
著者(カナ) オガワ,マナミ
標題(和) 時間及び角度分解光電子分光装置の開発と半導体表面の光誘起現象の研究
標題(洋) Development of time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy system and study of light-induced phenomena on semiconductor surfaces
報告番号 128932
報告番号 甲28932
学位授与日 2013.03.25
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5909号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 物理学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 長谷川,修司
 東京大学 教授 常行,真司
 東京大学 教授 五神,真
 東京大学 教授 小森,文夫
 東京大学 准教授 秋山,英文
内容要旨 要旨を表示する


Nowadays, dynamics of photo-induced phenomena in semiconductors have been intensively investigated. In contrast to treatments by thermal heating, excitation by light has advantages to regulate systems with high spatial resolution, down to nanometeters, and in ultrafast time-scale. Moreover, generations of the transient states, especially by high-intense lasers, often lead to unusual properties of matters. Despite the scientific interests, the proper understandings of such dynamical phenomena have been difficult since they are intrinsically fast and complicated. Development of the real-time measurement system has, thus, been required to trace the non-equilibrium electronic states with appropriate time and energy resolutions.

In this work, the relaxation of the surface photo-voltage (SPV) effect was investigated. The SPV effect iw the well-known photo-induced phenomenon at a semiconductor surface. It is induced by spatial separation of photo-excited electrons and holes by electric field near a surface (the surface band bending). The relaxation has been understood as recombination of these two-types of carriers but the detailed mechanism has not been understood yet. Carrier drift in the space-charge region has been pointed out as the main limitation of the decay process of SPV. However, in the previous researches, the decay processes were explained by only thermionic process nevertheless the decay process is not composed of single component.

Using a model surface of Si(111)7×7, the relaxation after the SPV effect was traced by measuring time-evolution of the core-level (Si 2p) spectra. The decay time constant is limited by the carrier transfer process from bulk to the surface excessing the surface potential. As a result, the decay process is composed of two components, fast decay (<100 ns) and slow decay (>100 ns). The power dependence and surface phase dependence of these decay processes were investigated well. Then I concluded that the fast decay process was dominated by the tunneling process and the slow decay was dominated by the thermionic emission process. The fast decay (<100 ns) was controlled by the surface phase, especially the surface disorder. On the other hand, the slow decay (>100 ns) can be regulated by changing the surface potential of initial state.

To investigate these time evolutions with high energy and time resolution, the time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy system at the SPring-8 BL07LSU was developed. To perform the real-time measurement of the dynamical processes of the electronic system, two dimensional (2D) angle resolved and several tens picosecond time resolved soft X-ray photoemission system has been a desirable. The design concept and the performance were explained. To get good transmission with high energy resolution and 2D angle resolved data, a time-of-flight type electron energy analyzer was installed. For demonstration, the two-dimensional band mapping of Si(111) clean surface was performed. Moreover, ~50 ps time resolution can be achieved for time-resolved measurement.

In addition to the above results, in contrary to the expected monotonous decay, at a higher power density of the pumping laser, the oscillatory decay process were found. The origin of this unexpected oscillatory dynamic behavior was analyzed with oscillator models, such as the Lotka-Voltera scheme, possibly realized at the semiconductor surface.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する





シンクロトロン放射光施設SPring-8の軟X線ビームラインにパルスレーザーシステムを結合させたエンドステーションを建設し、レーザーパルスと放射光パルスとの遅延時間を制御しながら、ポンプ・プローブ法による動的な光電子分光測定が可能なシステムを構築した。これにより、ピコ秒からミリ秒に渡る広い時間スケールで起こる電子状態の動的変化を50 ピコ秒程度の精度で追跡可能となった。


上記実験システムを用い、シリコン結晶表面にレーザー光を照射したときに誘起される表面光起電力効果の緩和過程を、シリコン 2p内殼準位のエネルギー変化を測定することによって調べた。その結果、100ナノ秒程度の時間内で起こる速い緩和過程と1 マイクロ秒以上かけて起こる遅い緩和過程の2種類が存在することを見出した。前者はトンネル過程によって、後者は熱励起過程によって電子とホールが表面で再結合して緩和が進行することを明らかにした。熱励起過程による緩和は先行研究によって報告されていたが、本研究でトンネル過程による高速緩和過程が存在することが示された点が特筆すべき新しい知見である。




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