
No 129012
著者(漢字) 河部,壮一郎
著者(カナ) カワベ,ソウイチロウ
標題(和) 鳥類の脳に関する形態計測学的研究とその古神経学的応用
標題(洋) Morphometrical study of the avian brain and its possible application in paleoneurology
報告番号 129012
報告番号 甲29012
学位授与日 2013.03.25
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5989号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 生物科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 遠藤,秀紀
 東京大学 准教授 近藤,修
 東京大学 准教授 野崎,久義
 東京大学 教授 田嶋,文生
 国立科学博物館 研究主幹 真鍋,真
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Although many studies on Aves have uncovered the relationships between brain morphology and biological characteristics, such as intelligence, integration ability, functional ability, studies thus far have often focused on volumetric analyses of avian brain or brain regions. It is evident that volumetric analyses only capture one of the multiple aspects of the structure. Three-dimensional (3D) exploration of brain shape in Aves is necessary for a better understanding of avian brain morphology. Furthermore, fossil specimens provide only external morphological information of the avian brain; understanding the brain shape is critical for further discussion about brain evolution in Aves. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the differences or similarities between extant avian brain shapes and to derive new information regarding extinct birds based on the brain morphology findings of extant species.

Extant avian brain models, which were reconstructed by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were analyzed from many directions using 3D geometric morphometrics and linear measurements. Factors responsible for the variation in shape of the avian brain were first revealed. Results demonstrated that change in size is a dominant factor for creating variations in brain shape. With increasing brain size, the telencephalon tends to shrink and the posterior part of the brain rotates caudodorsally. Shrinking of the telencephalon and ventral rotation of the posterior part of the brain is observed during posthatch chick ontogeny. The change in shape leads to rotation of the foramen magnum plane, and the direction of the neck turns dorsally. The rotation of the foramen magnum angle, which cannot be explained by size, correlates with foraging techniques of birds. In addition, the relationship between cranial base angle and relative brain size or eye size was assessed. A significant negative correlation was observed between the cranial base angle and relative brain size, as in mammals. On the other hand, a positive correlation was observed between the cranial base angle and relative eye size. Orbital shape is another factor responsible for shape variation in the avian brain. Three-dimensional multivariate analysis revealed that upwardly tilted concave brains tend to have rounder orbits, while narrower and more anteriorly inclined brains tend to have anteroposteriorly elongated orbits. Thus, size and orbital shape are factors that cannot be ignored when considering avian brain morphology or avian head position.

As stated above, brain size is important when assessing avian brain morphology. Therefore, a method to measure brain volume would be a powerful tool, particularly in paleontology, where measuring brain volume from damaged fossil specimens is difficult. Because the temporal bones are fairly robust parts of the avian skull, they are relatively well-preserved in many avian fossil specimens. The largest brain width corresponds to the temporal bones, and thus, maximum brain width was the focus of the study. The correlation between absolute brain volume and maximum brain width was confirmed. Brain width significantly correlated with brain volume, demonstrating that brain volume can be estimated only from brain width.

Characteristics related to phylogeny were distinguished by function or lifestyle. The width of the cerebellum and floccular lobe exhibits considerable variation among water birds, and their relative sizes are likely to become characteristics for distinguishing Procellariiformes and Sphenisciformes from Ciconiiformes, Pelecaniformes, and Suliformes. On the other hand, cerebellar shape changes according to the degree of dependence on aquatic foraging. Change in cerebellar shape might correspond with the change in volume of the cerebellar folia.

Using knowledge acquired through analyses of the extant avian brain, fossil plotopterid brains were reconstructed to extract maximum information from them. Although the plotopterid specimens were slightly damaged, one retained its dorsal aspect, which allowed measurement of maximum brain width. Thus, plotopterid brain volume was estimated by brain width. Furthermore, based on the ration of floccular lobe width to telencephalon width, the brain morphology of plotopterid birds was concluded to be similar to that of sphenisciform birds.

The results in this thesis suggest that multiple factors such as size, orbital shape, eye size, skull components, phylogeny, and lifestyle have influenced the diversification of brain morphology in Aves. Novel information was acquired by identifying and quantifying the relationships among these factors in extant species. Using the knowledge obtained from analyses of extant species, considerable morphological information was obtained from the brain and head of damaged fossil specimens. The results of this thesis are expected to contribute to further development in paleoneurology.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

本研究の論説は八章よりなる。様々な側面から定量的に鳥類の脳形態に関する解析を行ったものである。 第一章は背景を語る導入である。第二章では、脳サイズが増すに連れて大脳は細長くなり、脳の後方部が後背方向へ回転することを明らかにした。加えて、丸形上向き姿勢の脳は丸い眼窩を持ち、一方細長く前方に傾いた姿勢の脳は細長い眼窩を持つことがわかり、脳形態と眼窩形態は互いに影響し形作られていることを示した。また、サイズ変化では説明できない過剰な大後頭孔面の回転は、脳サイズに対する相対眼サイズと相関があることを第三章において明らかにした。相対眼サイズはその鳥の捕食技術の程度と相関することが知られていることから、大後頭孔面の回転は、その鳥の生態と深く関係していることが示唆された。さらに、頭蓋基底角と相対脳サイズには、哺乳類同様に相関があることを第四章で示した。鳥類における脳の巨大化は哺乳類と同様に頭蓋基底の変化と関わりがあることが示された。第五章では、種間のサイズ変化で見られた形状変化が、孵化後のヒヨコの成長過程においてもみられることを明らかにした。第六章では、脳体積と脳の最大幅には強い相関があることを示し、これにより、現生種及び化石種においても、脳の幅さえわかれば脳の体積が正確に推定できることを明らかにした。第七章では、現生水鳥における小脳幅と小脳片葉幅の相対サイズは系統関係を反映した形質である可能性を示した。さらに、絶滅水鳥類プロトプテルム類の脳形態からできるだけ多くの情報を引き出そうと試みた結果、脳の最大幅から脳体積を推定することができた。また、大脳幅に対する小脳幅・小脳片葉幅の比や、その他の形態的特徴から、プロトプテルム類の脳形態は現生ペンギン類のものと非常に近いことがわかった。本研究により、絶滅種の脳形態から多くの情報を得ることができ、今後の古神経学の発展に寄与する可能性を示している。


なお、本論文のとくに第二章、四章、六章、七章の一部は、遠藤秀紀、安藤達郎、下川哲哉、三木 均、岡本 隆、松田正司、伊藤琢也、鯉江 洋、北川勝人、酒井健夫、細島美里との共同研究であるが、論文提出者が主体となって分析及び検証を行ったもので、論文提出者の寄与が十分であると判断する。


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