
No 129113
著者(漢字) 大池,広志
著者(カナ) オオイケ,ヒロシ
標題(和) ドープされた三角格子有機伝導体κ-(ET)4Hg2.89Br8の圧力下電子状態の研究
標題(洋) A Study of Electronic States in the Doped Triangular-Lattice Organic Conductor κ-(ET)4Hg2.89Br8 under Pressure
報告番号 129113
報告番号 甲29113
学位授与日 2013.03.25
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第8004号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 物理工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 鹿野田,一司
 東京大学 教授 十倉,好紀
 東京大学 准教授 有田,亮太郎
 東京大学 教授 内田,慎一
 東京大学 教授 小形,正男
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

1. Introduction

This thesis is on electronic states in the doped triangular-lattice organic conductor κ-(ET)4Hg2.89Br8 (κ-HgBr) under pressure. Our study has been motivated by the distinctive features of κ-HgBr in clarifying the nature of doped Mott insulator, which is one of the central issues in the physics of strongly correlated electron systems.

When U/W takes large value, electrons in half-filled band (n = 0.5) localize to form Mott insulating state, where U, W and n are on-site Coulomb repulsion, bandwidth and band filling, respectively. While most of Mott insulators undergo antiferromagnetic order in low temperature, in case of triangular lattice, the ground state is non-trivial because of spin frustration. Recently, Mott insulating states with no magnetic order, called spin liquid, have been found in organic Mott insulator with triangular lattice κ-(ET)2Cu2(CN)3 [1]. What occurs when carrier is doped to spin liquid is an intriguing issue, because doped spin liquid state is the possible origin of high-Tc superconductivity as proposed by P. W. Anderson [2]. However, it has been difficult to make an experimental access to this issue because mother materials of doped Mott insulators are not spin liquid in most cases.

The title compound κ-HgBr (Fig .1) is an exceptional case of the possible doped Mott insulator whose mother material is spin liquid, where ET denotes bis(ethylenedithio)-tetrathiafulvalene [3]. κ-HgBr has conducting ET layers sandwiched by insulating anion layers composed of Hg and Br ions. The in-plane structure of the ET layer is characterized by a checker board-likearrangement of strongly dimerized ET molecules, which is called κ-type. A band-structure calculation shows that U/W of κ-HgBr is larger than that of Mott insulator κ-(ET)2Cu2(CN)3, and t'/t, which is an indicator of anisotropy of triangular lattice as depicted in Fig.1, is close to unity (nearly isotropic triangular lattice), where t and t' are nearest-neighbor and next-nearest- neighbor transfer integrals, respectively. Assuming that valences of Hg and Br ions are +2 and -1, respectively, the valence of an ET dimer turns out to be +1.11due to the non-stoichiometry; namely, n of κ-HgBr is 0.445. Therefore, κ-HgBr is reasonably viewed as a 11-% hole-doped Mott insulator with triangular lattice.

Organic conductors are advantageous in that the highly compressible nature allows a wide range of variation in correlation strength. Actually, pressure experiments for organics with half-filled band (n = 0.5) demonstrated the first-order phase transition from a Mott insulator to a less correlated metal, and revealed its criticality [4]. In order to clarify the nature of doped Mott insulator with triangular lattice and seek for novel electronic state in doped region (n ≠ 0.5), we performed transport measurements on κ-HgBr under pressure.

This thesis is divided into two parts. Part 1 is on U/W control under hydrostatic pressure. In this part, we suggested quantum phase transition from doped Mott insulator to a less correlated metal. Part 2 is on control of both U/W and t'/t with new pressurizing technique. We found a novel electronic state which is not observed under hydrostatic pressure.

2. Experimental

Part 1: U/W control in doped region

In order to probe bulk property of superconducting (SC) transition and normal state in-plane resistivity P//, we performed contactless conductivity measurement under pressure, which utilizes the technique of AC susceptibility measurement in MHz-frequency range [5]. When SC regions appear in a sample, diamagnetic response depends on the volume fraction of SC regions, so we can discuss the bulk property of SC transition. In addition, this method can detect normal state properties because eddy current due to electromagnetic induction causes diamagnetic response and the characteristic length of flux penetration is the skin depth, δ (so called skin effect), which is the function of resistivity. We applied AC magnetic field perpendicular to the sample so that δ gives the value of P// . The pressure medium was Daphne 7474 oil.

Part 2: U/W and t'/t control in doped region

In order to control both U/W and t'/t, we used Demnum oil s-20 as pressure medium, which is in a solid state above 1.1GPa. While hydrostatic pressure is applied below 1.1GPa, we can apply uniaxial pressure above 1.1GPa and vary t'/t. When we lower the solidification pressure by cooling, the hydrostatic component in pressure decreases. Then, the variation of t'/t starts at lower pressure. Thus, we can control both U/W and t'/t. With this pressurizing technique, we performed four-probe resistivity measurement.

In both parts, we use single crystals of κ-HgBr, which are obtained by the standard electrochemical method. The pressure cell is a hybrid system consisting of a NiCrAl inner shell and a BeCu outer one.

3. Results and Discussions

Part 1: U/W control in doped region

We observed SC demagnetization. SC transition temperature Tc shows dome-shaped pressure dependence although non-SC fractions exist in a sample in low-pressure side of SC dome. In the normal state, crossover temperature from Fermi liquid to non-Fermi liquid decreases by lowering pressure pointing to the Tc dome. The obtained pressure-temperature phase diagram (Fig. 2 left panel) suggests that quantum phase transition from doped Mott insulator to a less correlated metal occurs around 0.5GPa. We proposed that this quantum phase transition continuously connects to metal-insulator transition at n = 0.5 as described in the schematic band filling-U/W phase diagram (Fig. 2 right panel).

Part 2: U/W and t'/t control in doped region

We succeeded to control both U/W and t'/t with new pressurizing technique. We found peak structure in temperature dependence of P// in low-t'/t region. This peak structure grows up systematically by lowering t'/t at fixed U/W (Fig. 3). We considered that this peak structure came from phase separation of insulating and metallic phases in a sample. In half-filled band system, lowering t'/t changes metallic state into Mott insulating state because antiferromagnetic order assists localization of carriers. If this tendency to be insulating state applies to doped case, we can understand the insulating temperature dependence of P// in high temperature range as formation of Mott insulating region in a sample. Because whole sample cannot be in a Mott insulating phase when n ≠ 0.5, metallic regions should also exist in a sample. We ascribed the metallic temperature dependence of P// in low temperature range to the existence of metallic regions. This drastic dependence of P// on t'/t can be a novel property of doped Mott insulator with triangular lattice.

4. Conclusion

This thesis presents a transport study on the doped triangular-lattice organic conductor κ-HgBr under pressure. In the experiments under hydrostatic pressure, we suggested that quantum phase transition from doped Mott insulator to a less correlated metal occurs in κ-HgBr. In the experiments under pressure with solid-state oil, we succeeded to control both U/W and t'/t and found a peak structure in temperature dependence of P// in low-t'/t region. These results indicate that this study clarified the nature of doped Mott insulator with triangular lattice and the novel electronic state in doped region.

[1] Y. Shimizu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 107001 (2003)[2] P. W. Anderson, Science 235, 1196 (1987)[3] R. N. Lyubovskaya et al., JETP Lett. 45, 530 (1987)[4] F. Kagawa et al., Nature 436, 534 (2005)[5] H. Oike et al., Physica B 404, 376 (2009)

Fig. 1 Crystal structure of κ-(ET)4Hg(3-δ)Br8 (δ= 0.11).

Fig. 2 Pressure-temperature phase diagram of κ-(ET)4Hg(2.89)Br8 and schematic band filling-U/W phase diagram.

Fig. 3 Temperature dependences of P// under variation of t'/t at fixed U/W. The values of U/W and t'/t are obtained by extend Huckel and tight binding methods under some assumptions about crystal structure.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する



第2章では、電気抵抗測定と試料の加圧に関する実験方法が述べられている。電気抵抗は、交流磁化率測定から求める非接触方式と、通常の4端子法を併用して測定された。前者は、金属の表皮効果を利用して電気抵抗を求める方法で、その原理、MHz帯域での交流磁化率の測定系の実際、さらに、得られた交流磁化率から電気抵抗の導出に至る過程が述べられている。この方法は、超伝導転移後には超伝導反磁性磁化率を与えることから、常伝導状態においては電気抵抗を、超伝導状態では反磁性磁化率を同一試料に対して同時に知ることができるという利点が述べられている。試料の加圧は、オイルを圧力媒体とし、静水圧と一軸圧を組み合わせた方式が取られている。オイルとしてDaphne7474を選ぶことで、常温において液体状態を保つ3.7GPaまで静水圧を印加することができる。一方、オイルDemnum s-20は、常温では1.1GPaで固化することから、これを圧力媒体として加圧することにより、1.1GPaまでは静水圧、それ以上は一軸加圧となること、さらに、加圧する温度を変えることにより、静水圧から一軸圧へ変わる圧力を制御できることが述べられている。この方法、すなわち、均一な圧縮と異方的な圧縮の組み合わせにより、電子相関の強さと格子の幾何学的フラストレーションの度合いの2つのパラメータを制御することが可能になることが説かれている。


第4章では、静水圧と一軸圧を組み合わせることにより電子相関と三角格子性を変化させたときの電子状態を4端子電気抵抗測定によって調べた結果が報告されている。κ-(ET)4Hg(2.89)Br8は、2種類の移動積分(tとt')を持つ2等辺三角格子で近似できるが、これをHubbardモデルに落とすと、電子相関の強さはU/W (U; オンサイトクーロン斥力エネルギー、W;バンド幅)で、スピンフラストレーションの度合いはt'/tで特徴づけられる。実際の静水圧/一軸圧におけるこの2つのパラメーターの変化は、オイル媒体の歪の計測とユニットセル内での分子配置に関するいくつかの仮定に基づいて計算され、静水圧ではU/Wのみが大きく変化するが、一軸圧では、U/Wに加えt'/tも加圧軸から期待される方向に変化していることが確認された。電気抵抗測定は、いくつかの静水圧/一軸圧の組み合わせで行われたが、最も劇的な変化が一軸加圧の軸方向依存性に現れることが見出されている。t'/tが1より減少、すなわちより正方格子に近づくほど温度依存性が絶縁体的であるのに対し、t'/tが1より増加、すなわちt'鎖の1次元性が強くなるほど金属的なものになることが示された。格子の幾何学的フラストレーションが電気伝導に大きな影響を及ぼすと結論されている。



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