
No 129266
著者(漢字) パベル,プロセルコフ
著者(カナ) パベル,プロセルコフ
標題(和) ネトリンGファミリーメンバーの機能分化による認知機能の進化
標題(洋) Evolution of the Cognitive Complement as a product of subneofunctionalization among the Netrin-G family members
報告番号 129266
報告番号 甲29266
学位授与日 2013.03.25
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(獣医学)
学位記番号 博農第3971号
研究科 農学生命科学研究科
専攻 獣医学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 糸原,重美
 東京大学 教授 久和,茂
 東京大学 教授 内藤,邦雄
 東京大学 教授 桑原,正貴
 東京大学 准教授 武内,ゆかり
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

More than half a billion years ago a dramatic event happened in the evolution of Earth: a whole genome duplication of the jawless fish resulted in the appearance of vertebrates carrying a double load of genes. Ability to simultaneously integrate both sensory (bottom-up) and higher cognitive processing (top-down) stimuli of the complex milieu had being given a boost and had successfully evolved into the emergence of mammals and subsequently into humanoid-like creatures claiming to possess a higher cognitive abilities than their precedents and other close evolutionary related species. And this is likely how the subneofunctionalization of several paralogue genes had started with the Netrin-Gs among them. Originally derived from the cell adhesion (laminin) and guidance cue superfamilies (netrins) Netrin-G1 (G1) and Netrin-G2 (G2) are both unique in their ability of being attached to the presynaptic membrane and brain-restricted appearance. Their self-exclusive pattern of expression in the brain areas and participation in the brain laminar structure formation points towards a discernable dissociation of their function in the information segregation flows.

Both, G1 and G2 show an extraordinary level of protein conservation among the vertebrates with 100% and 99% identity between the human and apes, 97% and 88% between the mice and humans, 67% and 57% between the human and tetrapod fish coelacanth, respectively. Two coding areas within the both genes (Ukd domain and GPI-link) underwent an accelerated evolution with the simultaneous great expansion of the preceding introns. Single nucleotide substitutions from them are seemed to play a key role in the Netrin-Gs subneofunctionalization and, as a result, adopting the de novo evolving cognitive features. To test this, schizophrenic patients (G1: n=61, G2: n=59, controls: n=143) carrying SNPs for either G1 or G2 genes underwent IQ tests (WAIS-III). The results unequivocally demonstrate a dramatical effect of a single SNP for each gene on the cognitive subdomain performance with G1 SNP affecting verbal comprehension (p = 0.0037) and G2 working memory (p = 0.0031) information flow.

Human psychogenetics data fully corroborate the observations in the mice cognitive phenotype abnormality, with G2 but not G1 upregulated by the cognitive task and a smaller brain size for the both KO mice upon the life-time intensive cognitive training comparing to the wild-type. Despite G1 and G2 have an identical gene and protein domain structures the function they perform is definitely not the same but rather complementary to each other comprising the unit of cognition.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

ヒト認知機能の発達において進化過程での遺伝子の多様化と神経回路特異的発現特性の獲得は根幹的意義を持つ。脊椎動物固有遺伝子の分子進化はとりわけ重要な役割を果たしたと考えられる。PAVEL PROSSELKOVはこのような遺伝子として、同一遺伝子ファミリーに属し、独立した受容体を持ち、脳内での発現特性が相互排他的である特徴を持つシナプス因子Netrin-G1(NTNG1)とNetrin-G2(NTNG2)に着目し、これらの分子進化過程を分析し、マウスにおける発現の多様性を明らかにし、さらにヒトの遺伝学的解析とマウスにおける遺伝子動態の解析を行った。これらの結果を元に、両遺伝子の分子進化が認知機能の進化に果たした意義を考察した。







PAVEL PROSSELKOVはスプライシングによる多様なNtngアイソフォーム形成がヒトの認知機能の発達に重要な意義を持ったこと、intron内の塩基置換がNetrin-Gの機能分化と認知機能獲得に貢献したとの仮説を立てた。この仮説に基づいて、11個のSNPとWAIS-III検査値との関連を解析した。NTNG1のExon 5下流に位置するrs2218404とNTNG2のExon 5上流に位置するrs2274855が統合失調症患者内でのWAIS値に有意な影響を示した。NTNG1 SNP rs2218404の(T/GとT/T)患者はG/G患者に比べて言語性IQ、全検査IQ、言語理解で有意な低値を、NTNG2 SNP rs2274855の(A/GとA/A)患者はG/G患者に比べて有意に言語性IQ、動作性IQ、全検査IQ、作業記憶等で低値を示す事を明らかにした。



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