
No 129453
著者(漢字) アトミカ,パウデル
著者(英字) Atmika,Paudel
著者(カナ) アトミカ,パウデル
標題(和) カイコ細菌感染モデルを用いて同定された治療効果を示す新規抗菌薬の機能解析
標題(洋) Mechanistic analysis of novel therapeutically effective antimicrobial agents identified using silkworm bacterial infection model
報告番号 129453
報告番号 甲29453
学位授与日 2013.03.25
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(薬学)
学位記番号 博薬第1494号
研究科 薬学系研究科
専攻 機能薬学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 関水,和久
 東京大学 教授 新井,洋由
 東京大学 教授 三浦,正幸
 東京大学 教授 一條,秀憲
 東京大学 准教授 富田,泰輔
内容要旨 要旨を表示する


Emergence of resistant bacterial strains shortly after the clinical use of antibiotics has made infections difficult to treat. In order to continuously overcome the infectious diseases, discovery of novel antimicrobial agents with novel mechanism of action is utmost important. Despite the need of the novel antimicrobial agents, less attention is paid by pharmaceutical industries on this field due to poor outcomes. Although many screening programs have attempted to identify antimicrobial agents, the discovery of therapeutically effective novel compounds is very difficult and has not been reported in recent years. This can be attributed to the conventional method of antibiotic discovery, in-vitro screening followed by in-vivo screening, where ethical issues make it difficult for the use of animal models at the early stage of drug development. In fact, the use of mammalian models to examine the pharmacodynamics requires larger and sophisticated space, skilled personnel; is costly and associated with ethical issues. To address these issues, I propose use of silkworm infection model for identification of novel therapeutically effective antimicrobial agents. Silkworm model not only reduces the time and cost of experiments, but also requires less space and there are no ethical issues surrounding its use. Here, I summarize the identification of two novel therapeutically effective antimicrobial agents: kaikosin E and compound 363 by using silkworm bacterial infection model. Moreover, a detailed insight on the identification of mechanism of action of these antimicrobial agents is provided.


I. Kaikosin E

a. Characterization of kaikosin E: Kaikosin E, a novel therapeutically effective antibiotic, was isolated from culture supernatant of a lysobacter species by using silkworm infection model. Kaikosin E was effective against silkworm infected with Staphylococcus aureus with an effective dose fifty (ED(50)) value of 0.3 μg/g・arva. It was also effective in mouse infection model with an ED(50) value of 0.6 mg/kg, more potent than vancomycin. The structure of kaikosin E was elucidated by MS/MS and NMR analyses as shown in Figure 1. Kaikosin E is a cyclic lipopeptide containing 12 amino acid residues and a short fatty acid chain with a molecular mass of 1617. It was effective against Gram-positive bacteria including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of 4 μg/ml and was also effective against Mycobacterium (MIC: 8 μg/ml). Kaikosin E inhibited the biosynthesis of the macromolecules DNA, RNA, protein, and peptidoglycan in exponentially growing S. aureus. It exerted bacteriolytic activity and showed bactericidal activity with killing of 99% of bacteria within one minute of exposure to it. It dissipated the membrane potential in S. aureus even at concentrations much lower than that of MIC value suggesting the potent membrane damaging effect (Figure 2). Mice did not die when injected with a dose of 400 mg/kg kaikosin E, i.e., the ratio of lethal dose fifty to effective dose fifty (LD(50)/ED(50)) was more than 600 indicating the wide range of therapeutic index and low toxicity. Based on its therapeutic activity and low toxicity, kaikosin E has a strong potential to be a candidate for clinical application.

b. Cellular target of kaikosin E in S. aureus: To reveal the cellular target of kaikosin E, I isolated mutants of S. aureus resistant to it. S. aureus strain RN4220 was treated with a mutagen ethyl methanesulfonate and cultured on agar plates with different concentrations of kaikosin E. Resistant mutants that grow at 30℃ but do not grow at 43℃, referred as temperature sensitive (TS) mutants, were further selected from the strains resistant to kaikosin E. I took advantage of the fact that TS phenotype correlates with mutations in essential genes. Usually, the mutations conferred are point mutations leading to change in an amino acid sequence of a protein, the stability of protein becomes dependent upon the temperature and the protein cannot function at higher temperatures but can still function at lower temperatures. This strategy helped to ignore other nonessential mutations that are less likely related to the target. I identified two TS strains resistant to kaikosin E. Analysis of these two TS strains revealed the presence of point mutations in fni (SA1236) and menA (SA0894) genes, respectively. Both of the genes are essential genes required for menaquinone biosynthesis, a key component of respiration in S. aureus (Figure 3). Since fni and menA genes were mutated independently in two strains, wild-type fni or menA were inserted in the respective strain, which complemented the TS phenotype in each strain suggesting that these two mutations were responsible for the TS phenotype of the mutants. Mutations in these two genes in kaikosin E resistant strains and involvement of these genes in the menaquinone biosynthetic pathway led to the speculation that menaquinone might be the target of kaikosin E. This was further evident from direct binding of kaikosin E to menaquinone (Figure 4). Furthermore, antimicrobial activity of kaikosin E attenuated upon addition of external menaquinone. The results unequivocally mentioned that menaquinone is the cellular target of kaikosin E. Since menaquinone does not exist in mammalian cells where its function is replaced by ubiquinone, the effect of addition of external ubiquinone on the antimicrobial activity of kaikosin E was tested. No change in the activity of kaikosin E upon addition of ubiquinone further provided the evidence for selectivity of kaikosin E towards microorganisms. This is the first report to reveal menaquinone as the target of any antimicrobial agents till date.

II. Compound 363

A novel antimicrobial agent, compound 363 was discovered from chemical library of about 100,000 compounds screened on the basis of therapeutic effect in silkworm infection model. To date, compound 363 is not known to have antimicrobial activity. It showed antibacterial activity against methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) and MRSA with MIC value of 6.3 μg/ml and was bacteriostatic. It showed therapeutic activity in silkworm infection model with ED50 value of 39 μg/g・larva. It inhibited RNA synthesis in S. aureus (Figure 5). TS mutants resistant to compound 363 were obtained and their whole genome was sequenced by a next generation sequencer to identify mutated gene responsible for the resistance. The sigA gene encoding RNA polymerase sigma factor was found to have a point mutation among two of the resistant mutants. sigA is an essential gene responsible for initiation of transcription of house-keeping genes. The mutation in the sigA gene explained the result of inhibition on RNA synthesis in S. aureus by this compound. Phage transduction was performed to check if the mutation in sigA was responsible for resistance to compound 363. From the two resistant strains, 78% and 87% of the transductants were susceptible to compound 363, which is close to the calculated expected value of 85%. The whole genome sequence data suggested that no other gene close to sigA gene had mutations in both the strains. This, together with the phage transduction results, suggests that mutation in sigA gene is responsible for resistance conferred to compound 363.


Based on the silkworm infection model, two novel therapeutically effective antimicrobial agents were identified. A novel strategy of TS screening was applied to find the target of kaikosin E as menaquinone. Lack of menaquinone in mammals explained its selective toxicity towards microorganisms and showed that kaikosin E has a great potential for clinical applications. This is the first report to reveal menaquinone as a target of an antibiotic. For compound 363, mutation in sigA gene was found to be responsible for resistance conferred to this compound suggesting that RNA polymerase sigma factor might be the target and involved in the mechanism of antibacterial action of compound 363. The mechanism found from this study can be further exploited to the screening, identification and design of novel therapeutically effective drug molecules ultimately providing novel insights for development of novel antimicrobial agents. These findings showed that silkworm infection model can be applied to identify novel therapeutically effective antimicrobial agents.

1. Paudel A, Hamamoto H, Kobayashi Y, Yokoshima S, Fukuyama T, and Sekimizu K. Identification of novel deoxyribofuranosyl indole antimicrobial agents. Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo), 65:53-57 (2012).2. Sekimizu N, Paudel A, and Hamamoto H. Animal welfare and use of silkworm as a model animal. Drug Discovery and Therapeutics, 6:226-229 (2012).

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

Mechanistic analysis of novel therapeutically effective antimicrobial agents identified using silkworm bacterial infection model (邦題:カイコ細菌感染モデルを用いて同定された治療効果を示す新規抗菌薬の機能解析)と題する本論文は、現在、臨床上問題となっている多剤耐性菌に有効な新規治療薬の探索法の確立を行い、及びそれによって得られた化合物の作用機序解析における研究の成果を論じたものである。多剤耐性菌に有効な新規治療薬の開発において、High Throughput Screening(HTS)等による試験管内での抗菌活性を指標とした従来の探索では、標的特異的な化合物を取得が困難であることが示されており、新規な手法による治療効果を示す抗菌薬の探索法の確立が重要とされている。また、得られた化合物の標的の同定は、より高い活性を有する抗菌化合物の創出、及び臨床における抗菌薬の位置づけを決定する際に重要となる。





第三章では、化合物ライブラリーより抗菌活性を指標として探索され、見いだされた2つの新規抗菌化合物について、構造と抗菌活性の相関について解析を行っている。前半では、deoxyribofuranosyl indole化合物について、後半ではimino-thaidiazolo- pyrimidinone化合物について解析を行っている。どちらの化合物においても、母核は同じにもかかわらず修飾によって、黄色ブドウ球菌に対する作用が殺菌的であったものが、静菌的なものに変化したりなどの、構造活性相関の結果が述べられている。


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