
No 129559
著者(漢字) 頼末,武史
著者(カナ) ヨリスエ,タケフミ
標題(和) 完胸超目蔓脚類の幼生着生過程に関する研究
標題(洋) Morphological, ecological, and molecular studies on the larval settlement of thoracican barnacles
報告番号 129559
報告番号 甲29559
学位授与日 2013.03.25
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(環境学)
学位記番号 博創域第904号
研究科 新領域創成科学研究科
専攻 自然環境学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 小島,茂明
 東京大学 教授 山室,真澄
 東京大学 准教授 井上,広滋
 東京大学 准教授 狩野,泰則
 北里大学 教授 加戸,隆介
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Barnacles inhabit almost all marine environments. They are fascinating models for studying evolutionary ecology of marine invertebrates. For barnacles, larval settlement process is important for survival and successful reproduction during adult stage as adults cannot move from the settlement sites. Barnacles are also important from environmental and economic contexts. Some barnacle species settle on artificial objects such as ships' hulls, aquaculture net cages, and pipes in coastal plants, which results in huge economic losses and an increase in the emission of environmentally harmful gases. Understanding the settlement mechanisms of barnacles is important for improving non-biocidal anti-fouling technologies. I studied the settlement mechanisms of barnacles from various habitats to understand how they reach to the possible habitats, explore the substrata, and select sites for final cementation. In Chapter 2, I report the larval development of Ashinkailepas seepiophila, which inhabiting peripheral zones of deep-sea hydrothermal vent sites and active cold seep areas. I examined whether they show a similar response to temperature as a vent endemic species Neoverruca sp. A larval developmental period of Neoverruca sp. is drastically affected by the thermal stimulation. In contrast to Neoverruca sp., A. seepiophila did not drastically shorten the developmental period from nauplius VI to cyprid when exposed to temperature of 10 °C. I conclude that late naupliar larvae of A. seepiophila need not to develop into cyprids as quickly as Neoverruca larvae at elevated temperatures because this species does not inhabit around active vents. In Chapter 3, I report the structure of the antennular attachment and sensory organs in cyprids of A. seepiophila and Neoverruca sp. and compared with other pedunculated and balanomorphan barnacles. The most significant difference was found in the shape of the antennular third segment (the attachment organ) and in particular the outline and angle of the attachment disc. Cyprids of Megabalanus rosa inhabiting the rocky intertidal zone have a radially symmetrical, bell-shaped attachment organ, whereas the third segment of A. seepiophila, Neoverruca sp., and the other species used for comparison had a shoe-shaped attachment organ with a ventrally angled disc surface. I suggest that the differences in shape and angle of the attachment organs will influence the surface exploration behavior. In Chapter 4, I present the molecular mechanisms of barnacle settlement. Gregarious settlement is essential for survival and reproduction of many barnacles. A glycoprotein, settlement inducing protein complex (SIPC), has been recognized as a signal for settlement and it is expressed in both conspecific adults and larvae. Although the settlement-inducing activities of SIPC are species-specific, the mechanism by which larvae distinguish conspecific SIPC from other species' is still unknown. The complete primary structure of SIPC of M. coccopoma, as well as the partial structures of SIPCs of Balanus improvisus, M. rosa, and Elminius modestus were determined. All SIPCs contain highly variable regions that possibly modulate the affinity to the receptors, resulting in the species specificity of SIPC. Furthermore, I observed settled larvae of a lepadid barnacle Lepas pectinata which inhabits floating objects. I discuss the ecological significance of the larval colonization pattern of this species in Chapter 5. They showed the face-to-face settlement pattern with high density. This pattern may enable them to share the cement protein among neighbors and to capture foods effectively during the adult stage. My thesis provides insights into how barnacle larvae reach and settle to suitable habitats. Artifice adaptation within the settlement process must have enabled barnacles to inhabit almost all marine environments. This study will also contribute to the development of environmentally friendly antifouling technologies.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

本論文は6章からなり、第1章はgeneral introduction、第2章は深海熱水噴出域に生息する蔓脚類の幼生期間に対する水温の影響、第3章は蔓脚類幼生の付着器官の微細形態、第4章は蔓脚類の付着誘因物質の種多様性、第5章は蔓脚類幼生の付着様式について述べられている。第6章はgeneral discussionである。




第4章では、着生誘起タンパク質複合体 (SIPC)と呼ばれる、フェロモンの種特異性に関する研究を行った。SIPC はキプリス幼生の付着を誘起するフェロモンであり、種特異的に働くことが知られている。しかし、キプリス幼生がどのようにして同種と異種のSIPCを識別しているのかは明らかになっていない。本研究ではフジツボ幼生による種の識別機構を明らかにすることを目的とし、複数種のSIPCのアミノ酸配列を決定し、比較解析を行った。その結果、種間で変異が多く蓄積している部位を発見した。これらの部位がレセプターとの親和性を調節し、種特異性を産み出している可能性を指摘している。



なお、本論文第2章は加戸隆介、渡部裕美、Jens T. Hoeg、井上広滋、小島茂明、Benny K.K. Chan、第3章はBenny K.K. Chan、加戸隆介、渡部裕美、井上広滋、小島茂明、Jens T. Hoeg、第4章は松村清隆、廣田 洋、堂前 直、小島茂明、第5章は周藤拓歩との共同研究であるが、論文提出者が主体となって分析及び検証を行ったもので、論文提出者の寄与が十分であると判断する。


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