
No 129561
著者(漢字) 北橋,倫
著者(カナ) キタハシ,トモ
標題(和) 千島海溝および琉球海溝周辺域におけるソコミジンコ類の多様性・群集構造の空間変異
標題(洋) Spatial changes in diversity and community structure of harpacticoid copepods around the Kuril and Ryukyu Trenches, north-west Pacific Ocean
報告番号 129561
報告番号 甲29561
学位授与日 2013.03.25
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(環境学)
学位記番号 博創域第906号
研究科 新領域創成科学研究科
専攻 自然環境学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 小島,茂明
 東京大学 教授 福田,健二
 東京大学 准教授 芦,寿一郎
 東京大学 准教授 狩野,泰則
 熊本大学 准教授 嶋永,元裕
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Deep-sea habitats cover about two-thirds of the earth's surface. The understanding of spatial patterns of biodiversity and community structure and the processes that regulate them is the fundamental goal of deep-sea ecology. One of the best documented large-scale diversity patterns is that with water depth. Many studies have reported parabolic pattern of diversity with water depth for many taxa. Most studies, however, have focused only on bathyal and abyssal depths, while studies extending into the hadal zone (trench) are limited, due to their remoteness and difficulties to access. In addition, the biodiversity and community structure of meiofauna around trenches were still unknown although meiofauna is one of important components of deep-sea ecosystem. In this thesis, I analyzed harpacticoid diversity and community structure of harpacticoids around two trench regions around Japan: the Kuril Trench, which is located below a highly productive boreal region, and the Ryukyu Trench, which underlies an oligotrophic subtropical ocean. Furthermore, I investigated the relationship between harpacticoid assemblages and abiotic environments. On 11th May 2011, the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake occurred. I also evaluated the effect of catastrophic disturbance caused by the mega earthquake on the deep-sea meiofaunal assemblage on the landward slope of the Japan Trench.

In the Chapter 2, I provided the harpacticoid diversities around the Kuril and Ryukyu Trenches at the genus level. In the Kuril region, harpacticoid diversity indicated unimodal patterns with water depth, with peaks appearing at intermediate depths, while it monotonously decreased along the water depth in the Ryukyu region. These results would reflect the difference in food availability between two regions, that is, in the Kuril region, where productivity is high, the entirety of the general unimodal pattern of diversity along the water depth appeared, and in the Ryukyu region, where productivity is low, only the deeper side of the general pattern appeared. These findings also suggest that the general relationship between water depth and diversity, which has been described for macrofauna and megafauna, can be extended to meiofauna at all depth ranges. In addition, food availability would affect the harpacticoid diversity in the Ryukyu region, while a multiplicity of factors appeared to regulate it in the Kuril region.

In the Chapter 3, I investigated the community structures of harpacticoids around the Kuril and Ryukyu Trenches at the genus level. Sampling strategy in this study, with stations ranging from bathyal to hadal depths, enabled me to analyze bathymetric trends among harpacticoid assemblages in detail down to hadal depths. In the both regions, gradual changes of the harpacticoid community compositions from batyal to hadal depths were detected for the first time. This finding suggests that the hadal community structure was continuous from the adjacent trench slopes in both regions. Water depth, or certain factors associated with water depth, would affect harpacticoid community structure in the both regions. A large difference was found between the trench floor and the adjacent environments in the Kuril region, while not in the Ryukyu region. This discrepancy would be attributed to the difference in the geological history of each trench, a certain barrier and topographical features in the Kuril region. When the harapcticoid community structures on the same topographic settings were compared between the Kuril and Ryukyu regions, the dissimilarities were increased with water depth. This result may be attributed to the Izu-Ogasawara arc and trench, which are located between the two regions and may prevent the expansion of harpacticoid distribution ranges from both trenches.

In the Chapter 4, I examined whether the analyses at the family level could reveal the spatial patterns in diversity and community structure of harpacticoid copepods around the Kuril and Ryukyu Trenches with a same accuracy as those at the genus level. Virtually the same results of the bathymetric diversity pattern could be obtained by analyses at the genus and family levels, although some differences were found. The results of this study suggest that the family-level analyses are sufficient to illustrate the bathymetric pattern in harpacticoid diversity from bathyal to hadal depths. However, the different patterns were found in comparing community structure within the same regions and between the different regions, suggesting that the analyses at the family level are not sufficient to examine the spatial pattern of community structure within and between regions. In addition, the genus composition shifts were detected within some families.

In the Chapter 5, I examined the meiofaunal assemblages on the landward slope of the Japan Trench (120-5,600 m water depth) 4.5 months after the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake and compared with those before the mega earthquake. Unusual vertical distribution of meiofauna in the sediments was found only after the earthquake, while differences were not detected in meiofaunal density and its bathymetric pattern before and after the mega earthquake. This unusual vertical distribution seemed not to be attributable to the effect of turbidite and the change of organic matter supply.

The static and dynamic states of the deep-sea ecosystem revealed through the present study would potentially lead us to understand the generation and maintenance mechanism of the deep-sea biodiversity.

Fig. 1. General relationship between water depth and diversity. In shallower regions, where a high organic matter flux leads to high population density, strong biological interactions depress diversity. In contrast, in deeper regions, where organic matter is scarce, animal density is so low that the probability of extinction is high, again leading to low diversity.

Fig. 2. Bathymetric patterns of harpacticoid diversity in the Kuril region: (a) the number of genera (GR); (b) the expected number of genera (E(G19)); (c) the Shannon-Wiener index (H'loge); and (d) evenness (J').

Fig. 3. Bathymetric patterns of harpacticoid diversity in the Ryukyu region: (a) the number of genera (GR); (b) the expected number of genera (E(G15)); (c) the Shannon-Wiener index (H'loge); and (d) evenness (J'). Open circles indicated the stations where the number of identified adults was less than 10.

Fig. 4. The nMDS ordination based on the genus composition in the Kuril and Ryukyu regions.

Fig. 5. Dissimilarity values in harpacticoid community structures between the Kuril and Ryukyu regions.

Fig. 6. Vertical profiles of the meiofaunal density on the landward slope of the Japan Trench off Sanriku in the summer of 2011.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

本論文は6章からなり、第1章はgeneral introduction、第2章は海溝域における生物多様性の深度変化、第3章は群集構造の深度変化、第4章は分類レベルの違いが多様性研究に及ぼす影響、第5章は大規模撹乱の深海底生生物群集への影響について述べられており、第6章はgeneral discussionである。




なお本論文第2~4章は川村喜一郎、小島茂明、嶋永元裕、Gritta Veit-Kohler、Roberto Danovaro、John Tietjen、第5章は小島茂明、嶋永元裕、Robert G. Jenkins、野牧秀隆、藤倉克則との共同研究であるが、論文提出者が主体となって分析及び検証を行ったもので、論文提出者の寄与が十分であると判断する。


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