
No 129562
著者(漢字) 國分,優孝
著者(カナ) コクブ,ユタカ
標題(和) 海洋底上に堆積した海産大型植物の現存量の推定
標題(洋) Biomass estimation of marine macrophyte debris on the ocean floor
報告番号 129562
報告番号 甲29562
学位授与日 2013.03.25
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(環境学)
学位記番号 博創域第907号
研究科 新領域創成科学研究科
専攻 自然環境学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 准教授 小松,輝久
 東京大学 教授 小島,茂明
 東京大学 教授 道田,豊
 東京大学 准教授 小川,浩史
 東京大学 准教授 田中,潔
 東北大学 准教授 青木,優和
内容要旨 要旨を表示する


Marine macrophyte beds, consisting of seaweeds and seagrasses, have been recognized as one of the highest primary producers in the global carbon cycle. They are distributed in shallow coastal waters in the oceans worldwide. Most of them are detached from the bottom substrate after attaining the highest biomass in their maturation season. Although some marine macrophytes are stranded on the shore or remain in the beds in coastal waters, most of them with positive buoyancy are transported to offshore waters as drifting macrophytes. However, reports on the fate of macrophytes are few and their importance to the global carbon cycle has not been widely recognized. Buoyant marine macrophytes, after decaying or losing their buoyancy, settle to the ocean floor. Previous studies of debris of macrophytes on the ocean floor have mainly focused on the bottoms within several kilometers off the coast and a concaved bathymetry where deposited materials tend to accumulate. This study aims to reveal the distributions of marine macrophyte debris on the ocean floor of flat bathymetry further than the previous reports and provide some quantitative information about the transport of macrophytes toward the mesopelagic ocean if they are distributed there. These findings are essential for completing the knowledge of macrophyte beds as a sink of the global carbon cycle.

Fate of macrophytes transported offshore: Evidence of their fall to ocean floor

In order to clarify whether marine macrophyte debris is distributed on the flat ocean floor bottom trawl surveys have been conducted for three years in spring, summer and autumn. Bottom trawl surveys revealed the existence of macrophyte debris at more than 500 km in longitudinal direction from 10 to 100 km offshore continental shelf and slope seafloor at the bottom depths from 40 m to 1800 m in waters off east Tohoku Region. Macrophytes were mainly consisted with seaweeds (species of Sargassum and Laminariales) and seagrasses. The most frequently collected macrophyte in south of Hokkaido Island was seagrass and C. hakodatensis. In east of Tohoku Region, Sargassum horneri was the most frequently collected macrophyte in spring and summer, while sharply changed to seagrass in autumn. Mean standing crop of macrophyte debris in east of Tohoku Region showed a clear seasonal variability attaining a peak (51.1 mg wet weight m-2) in summer (Fig. 1). Among the total collected biomass, macrophyte debris mainly consisted of Sargassum species (89%) in spring, Sargassum species (87%) in summer, seagrass (43%) and Laminariales species (29%) in autumn. The buoyant macrophyte species of Sargassum and seagrass were widely distributed no discernible trends were found in their spatial distribution patterns within the survey area in spring, summer and autumn, except for S. horneri in spring season. Fresh Sargassum horneri was found on the bottom near the oceanic front in southern waters off east Tohoku Region in the three spring seasons. The surface current system influences the distribution of S. horneri debris on the ocean floor because it transports floating seaweeds and materials along the front. Macrophytes heavier than the sea water such as Laminariales species and other seaweeds are thought to be transported from the coast to the offshore bottom by the gravity and bottom currents (Fig. 2).

Origins of Sargassum horneri debris estimated by a hydrographic model

Sargassum horneri was dominant among the marine macrophyte debris. They float on the sea surface as drifting rafts and fall on the bottom when they lose positive buoyancy. Thus, their origins were investigated applying two-way particle tracking model and JeoSim to the surface current fields in 2008, 2009 and 2010 calculated by the Ocean General Circulation Model for the Earth Simulator (OFES). The results indicated that the origins of S. horneri debris in April were distributed along the east coast of the Honshu Island. Most of the origins of marine macrophyte debris in summer were distribute along the east coast of Honshu Island, the west of the stations where they were collected by trawl surveys.


The bottom trawl surveys revealed marine macrophyte debris were distributed on the flat continental shelf and slope seafloor in waters off east Tohoku Region. The biomasses of macrophyte debris showed a seasonal change with a peak in each summer for three years suggesting that macrophytes are transported from the coast to the offshore bottom in their maturity season every year. The macrophytes were mainly composed by S. horneri in spring and summer, and alternatively seagrass in autumn. They were homogenously distributed in the survey area. This suggests a possible distribution of Sargassum debris on the ocean floor farther offshore than the study area. Marine macrophytes constitute a pathway of organic carbon as a biological pump to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. The reduction of atmospheric CO2 by the marine macrophytes might be a prospective alternative plan through developing macrophyte beds around the world to mitigate the impact of global warming due to increase of CO2 in future.

Figure 1. Average biomass density of marine macrophyte debris for each season. Bold bar shows average biomass density of marine macrophyte on the seafloor. Solid line shows standard deviation of biomass density.

Figure 2. Schematic view of the exportation of marine macrophytes to ocean floor. Arrows accompanied by "Sa", "Se", "N" indicate the pathway of Sargassum, Seagrass and non-floating macrophyte from (A) the coastal marine macrophyte beds to (B) the offshore waters.

Figure 3. Statistically significant origins of drifting rafts of Sargassum horneri (blue dots) east of Tohoku Region in spring of 2008 (upper panels), 2009 (middle panels) and 2010 (lower panels) by otter trawl surveys estimated by the two-way particle tracking method. Left (1), middle (2) and right (3) columns from the left are statistically significant origins estimated for 16-30 April, 1-15 April and 15-31March, respectively.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

海洋では、表層での植物プランクトンの光合成による炭素固定と死亡後の中深層への沈降により駆動される生物ポンプが炭素循環に重要な役割を果たしていると考えられている。中深層に運ばれた炭素は、数百年以上、海洋中に貯留されるが、植物プランクトンだけでは海洋中の炭素循環の収支は合わず、未解明な経路があると考えられている。沿岸域には、藻場とよばれる海産大型植物(大型海藻や海草)による群落が広く分布しており、単位面積当たりで熱帯雨林に匹敵する一次生産量を有し、海洋における大きな炭素吸収源である(UNEP, 2009)。海産大型植物は、毎年成熟期に繁茂し、海底から脱落する。海岸への打ち上げ、現場での枯死以外の個体は沖合へ流出する。これまでの研究では、海洋底上の断片的な写真の報告や地先10km付近までの海底谷に集積した海産大型植物の調査しかなかった。本論文は、沿岸から流出した海産大型植物が沖合の平坦な中深層の海底に堆積しているのか、堆積している場合に、その量はどのくらいかを明らかにするために研究を行った。以上の研究の背景と目的について述べた第1章に続き、次の4章から構成されている。

第2章では、2008年から2010年の毎年の春、夏、秋に東北区水産研究所による底魚類資源調査を目的とした開口板つき底曳トロールにより、距岸 10-100km、南北約600kmの東北沖合太平洋の大陸棚と大陸棚斜面での566定点で得られた漁獲物中に混入する海産大型植物を船上で採集し、種類と出現率を解析した。その結果、海産大型植物は底深40-1800mの平坦な大陸棚と陸棚斜面に広く堆積していることを初めて確認した。構成種は緑藻類1種、褐藻類19種、紅藻類1種、海草類2種であった。出現率には明瞭な季節変化が見られ、最も出現率が高かったのは、春、夏に褐藻ホンダワラ類のアカモク、秋に海草類であった。海水より軽いホンダワラ類や海草類は海面を漂流し、重いコンブ類などは海底斜面に沿って輸送されるという2つの経路が明らかになった。






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