
No 129563
著者(漢字) 鈴木,一平
著者(カナ) スズキ,イッペイ
標題(和) 動物搭載型記録計による鰭脚類における採餌旅行期間のエネルギー収支定量化
標題(洋) Quantification of Energy Budgets during Foraging Trips in Pinnipeds using Animal-borne Devices
報告番号 129563
報告番号 甲29563
学位授与日 2013.03.25
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(環境学)
学位記番号 博創域第908号
研究科 新領域創成科学研究科
専攻 自然環境学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 准教授 佐藤,克文
 東京大学 教授 木村,伸吾
 東京大学 教授 白木原,國雄
 京都大学 准教授 荒井,修亮
 水産工学研究所 グループ長 赤松,友成
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

It is important to comprehend how much amount of aquatic resources is consumed by pinnipeds for a sustainable usage of natural resources by human fisheries. Pinnipeds are known as high order predators and have been assumed that they consume large amount of aquatic resources with their enormous number of populations. However, the exact amount of their consumption has not been understood well as their foraging events exclusively occur underwater. A key concept to figure out their amount of consumption is "energy budget" during foraging trips. The energy budget is constructed with three components: 1) energetic gain: amount of energy obtained from prey, 2) energetic cost: amount of energy for transportation, and 3) accumulated energy: amount of energy which can be calculated by subtracting the energetic cost from the energetic gain. Although it is difficult to conduct visual observations on their underwater behaviors, recent developments in the technology allows us to obtain their behavioral data using miniaturized animal-borne devices. Using acceleration and swim speed recorders in the experiments on both captive and wild pinnipeds, this study is composed of four contents which contribute to quantify energy budgets during foraging trips in pinnipeds: 1) mandible movements to record feeding events, 2) theoretical cost of transport and optimal swim speed in captive pinnipeds, 3) development of a remote releasing system to retrieve recording devices from free-ranging pinnipeds and 4) selection of swim speed in wild pinnipeds.

1. Mandible movements to record feeding events

A method to detect feeding events using accelerometers was developed using captive pinnipeds. Two accelerometers were attached on the mandible and head of captive hooded seals (Cystophora cristata, N=3) at the Department of Arctic Biology, the University of Tromso, Norway, in August 2007 and February 2008. The seals were offered two fish species of three different sizes: large (Atlantic herrings, N=64), medium (capelins, N=69), and small (half-sized capelins, N=20), by throwing the fish one by one into the center of an experimental pool. A timing of each feeding events was observed and recorded. Based on the recorded time, accelerations related to feeding events were extracted using a highpass filtering at 3 Hz, which threshold was determined by the Wavelet transformation. All feeding events (N=153) were detected using the filtering method.

2. Theoretical cost of transport and optimal swim speed in captive pinnipeds

The cost of transport (COT)-the metabolic cost required to transport the animal's mass over a unit of distance-has been comprehensively discussed to compare energetic costs of animal locomotion (running, swimming and flying) since early 1970's. A recent study developed a theoretical prediction that the optimal swim speed, which minimize COT, is proportionate to the one-third power of the basal metabolic rate divided by drag-and is independent of buoyancy, pitch angle and dive depth in geometrically similar breath-hold divers. An experiment manipulating buoyancy, drag and dive depth was conducted to test this prediction using captive Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus, N=3) at the Marine Mammal Research Unit, the University of British Columbia, Canada, in July and September 2007. A pair of polyvinyl chloride tubes attached on a harness worn by the animal manipulated the buoyancy and drag conditions, and swim speed recorder was also attached on the harness. A total of 186 dives with the depth up to 50 m were collected from three animals. A generalized linear mixed-effect model (GLMM) was used to test for interaction between swim speed (dependent variable) and five explanatory variables (body mass, buoyancy, depth, drag and dive phases), and swim speed was predicted with two variables (drag and dive phase, AIC=-138.7). This suggests that the optimal swim speed of Steller sea lions is a function of drag, but independent of buoyancy conditions and dive depths. These findings are consistent with the theoretical predictions.

3. Development of a remote releasing system to retrieve recording devices from free-ranging pinnipeds

A radio signal based remote releasing system has been developed through three field experiments on three species of free-ranging Otariidae: South American sea lions (Otaria flavescence) in 2010 (N=2) and 2011 (N=1), South American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis) in 2011 (N=3) and New Zealand fur seals (Arctocephalus forsteri) in 2012 (N=5). Accidental dropouts before activating the system occurred in the first two years: 100% (N=2) in 2010 and 50% (N=4) in 2011, but improvements resulted with no accidental dropout in 2012 (N=5). Although only one device in each 2011 and 2012 was successfully detached by the system, a more robust attaching method to prevent accidental dropouts has been established through these field experiments.

4. Selection of swim speed in wild pinnipeds

Mean swim speeds during descent and ascent phases were calculated to examine the theoretical prediction to estimate optimal swim speeds in free-ranging Otariidae. The datasets from New Zealand fur seals (N=5) and South American sea lions (N=2) were used for the analysis. GLMM was performed to test for interaction between mean swim speed (dependent variable) and three explanatory variables (body mass, depth and dive phases) with separating the species. Within the fur seals, swim speed was described by dive phases with the minimum AIC=5161, and that within the sea lions was fitted with dive phases and depth with the minimum AIC=422.4. Mean swim speeds of the fur seals in descent was 1.8±0.4 m s(-1) and those in ascent was 1.7±0.4 m s-1 (N=3582 dives). Mean swim speeds of the sea lions in descent was 1.7±0.4 m s(-1) and those in ascent was 1.6±0.4 m s(-1) (N=2641 dives). Assuming that the animals swam at their optimal swim speed in descent and ascent phase, a constant-a ratio of the drag of an active swimmer to that of a passive object-was estimated. The estimated constants were below 1.0 in each species, which was consistent with the most recent study on breath-holding divers, while this constant has been considered to be 1-5 historically. Using the obtained constant, the energetic cost in each foraging trip was estimated with swim speed data, which reflected a linear relation with surface periods. The estimated cost showed that female New Zealand fur seals required approximately 9.5 kiloton of hoki-the third economically important aquatic resource in New Zealand-during three months of nursing period, which corresponds to about 33% of annual catch by fisheries there.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する


第2章では、まず鰭脚類の一種であるズキンアザラシを用いて、検知精度の高い採餌イベント記録方法を開発したことが記されている。ノルウェーのトロムソ大学の実験水槽で飼育されている3個体の顎と頭に、0.03秒間隔で2軸方向の加速度を記録できる小型の装置を取り付けた。様々なサイズのタイセイヨウニシンないしカラフトシシャモを実験水槽に投げ入れ、アザラシがそれを摂餌する際の加速度波形を記録した。データを解析した結果、顎の前後方向の加速度に対して3Hzの高域通過フィルターをかけることで、効率よく摂餌イベントのタイミングを抽出できることを見いだした。この新しいやり方は、従来の胃内温測定法や磁気センサーを用いた顎の開閉記録法よりも簡便で検出分解能の高い摂餌イベント記録手法として、既にPolar Biology誌に掲載されている。現時点で最も優れた手法の一つとして位置づけられており、他種に応用した研究成果を報告する論文中でも引用されている。




鰭脚類のエネルギー収支定量化のために、餌獲得イベント記録方法やエネルギー消費量見積もり手法、さらに遠隔装置切り離し装置を開発した本研究は、今後、海棲哺乳類研究へ大きく貢献することが見込まれる。なお、本論文第2章の前半は内藤靖彦、Lars P. Folkow、宮崎信之、Arnoldus S. Blixとの共同研究であるが、論文提出者が主体となって実験の実施と得られたデータの解析を行ったもので、論文提出者の寄与が十分であると判断する。


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