
No 120974
著者(漢字) 井手口,恒太
著者(カナ) イデグチ,コウタ
標題(和) AdS5 x S5/Γ上の半古典的な弦とオービフォールト場の理論の演算子
標題(洋) Semiclassical Strings on AdS5/Γ x S5 and Operators in Orbifold Field Theories
報告番号 120974
報告番号 甲20974
学位授与日 2006.03.23
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第4774号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 物理学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 米谷,民明
 東京大学 教授 江口,徹
 東京大学 教授 柳田,勉
 東京大学 教授 駒宮,幸男
 東京大学 助教授 加藤,光裕
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

We studied the AdS/CFT correspondence of orbifold models. The original model before orbifolding is the correspondence between N = 4 U(N) SYM and type IIB superstring on AdS5×S5. Recently, there are big progress in the study of this correspondence. Firstly, it was found that the planar N = 4 SYM can be regarded as a spin chain system. Concretely, the anomalous dimension matrix of the field theory is mapped to the Hamiltonian of the spin system. This spin system is shown to be integrable by the Bethe ansatz. So, spectrum of the planar N = 4 SYM is obtained by solving the Bethe equations. In long chain limit, the Bethe equations can be explicitly solved. This means that some spectrum of states with large charge in the field theory is obtained. On the other hand, superstring on AdS5×S5 can be treated appropriately at semiclassical level if some charges which the superstring has are very large. Such string configurations have been found and their spectrum has been compared with the spectrum of the field theory. This comparison has shown a beautiful agreement between both sides, at least at one-loop level of the field theory. Furthermore, this agreement could be generalized to action (equations of motion) level. In this process, the integrabilities of both theories, the superstring on AdS5×S5 as well as N = 4 SYM, have been revealed and have played a important role in the exciting agreement. This quantitative agreement strongly suggests the validity of the AdS/CFT correspondence of the N = 4 model.

We have studied whether the above integrabilities and quantitative correspondence can be seen in other models. We investigated orbifold model. This model has less supersymmetry than N = 4. In this sense, this model is more realistic and is very interesting to study. In the orbifold model, the correspondence is between the four-dimensional quiver gauge theory and type IIB superstring on AdS5×S5/Г background, where Г is an orbifold group. This group is a discrete subgroup of global symmetry SO(6) of N = 4 SYM. First, we show the integrability of the quiver gauge theory. For this theory, there exist new classes of states (operators) other than the sector of states inherited from the original theory. We call the former classes twisted sectors and the latter an untwisted sector. The spin chain system corresponding to the untwisted sector is the same as that of N = 4 SYM and integrable by the Bethe ansatz. This spin chain has a periodic boundary condition. On the other hand, the spin chain system corresponding to the twisted sector does not have the periodic b.c. but twisted b.c.. Even with the twisted b.c., this system is integrable by the Bethe ansatz method. We show this fact by both the coordinate Bethe ansatz and the algebraic Bethe ansatz. The algebraic one gives more precise explanation of the integrability than the other. Then, we solve the Bethe equations in some cases and obtain some spectrum. For the superstring theory on AdS5×S5/Г, we find some classical solutions of the string configuration. In the large charge region, the semiclassical treatment is validated and the classical solutions are appropriate objects. Then, the spectrum of this solutions are compared to the the spectrum of the quiver gauge theory and we can see an agreement between them. This observation is done at the one-loop level of the field theory. Finally, we generalize this agreement to the action level.

Our work clarified the validity of the AdS/CFT duality of the less supersymmetric model. In this process, the integrabilities both of the quiver gauge theory and the string theory on AdS5×S5/Г is shown in some sectors. This encourages further studies of these theories.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する


その最も典型的なものが,AdS5/CFT4対応として知られているものである.この場合,重力理論側は,負の定曲率をもった5次元反ドジッター空間(anti-de Sitter spacetime)と正の定曲率を持つ5次元球面空間の直積AdS5×S5を背景時空とする超弦理論,ないしはその低エネルギー極限としての超重力場理論である.一方,ゲージ理論側は,4次元時空のゲージ理論として最大可能な超対称性(N=4 supersymmetry)を持つ超対称Yang-Mills理論である.前者の背景時空は,座標変換に関してSO(4,2)× SO(6)群のもとでの等長不変性を有するのに対応して,後者は量子論として同じ群で特徴づけられる共形不変性と6個のスカラー場の回転に対応するSO(6)対称性(R対称性)を有し,対称性の観点からは整合的な関係である.このとき,ゲージ理論の4次元時空は,5次元AdS空間の無限遠境界としての4次元とみなされる.ただし,この対応は弦理論から導出できているわけではなく,極めて確からしい予想として,ここ7-8年の弦理論の研究の流れを作り出す源になっている.この対応のより深い理解を得ることは,弦理論の原理の探求,場の理論への応用など,様々な弦理論の課題を追求するうえで重要な課題である.しかしながら,こうした対応を直接確かめるのは,双方の理論を調べるために使用できる近似の有効領域が一般には異なるため,対称性のしばりによってその性質を調べられるいわゆるBPSセクター以外では一般に大変困難である.ところが,ここ数年の研究の進展により,ゲージ理論側で異常次元が十分おおきい演算子,状態を考えたときには,弦理論では半古典近似が有効になるとの認識がなされ,BPSセクター以外でも対応関係を調べられる例がいくつか明らかになって来ている.






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