
No 121901
著者(漢字) シレガル モハンマド ジェハンシャ
著者(カナ) シレガル モハンマド ジェハンシャ
標題(和) インドネシアの住宅政策におけるポリシーネットワークの同定
標題(洋) Identifying Policy Network in Indonesian Housing Policy
報告番号 121901
報告番号 甲21901
学位授与日 2006.10.19
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第6398号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 都市工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 大西,隆
 東京大学 教授 小出,治
 東京大学 教授 原田,昇
 東京大学 助教授 小泉,秀樹
 東京大学 助教授 城所,哲夫
内容要旨 要旨を表示する


Indonesia as a less developed country experiences a rapid urban population growth within the wider changes of politic, social and economic contexts. One unavoidable consequence is the rigorous housing deficit problem both in numbers and quality. Along-with those problems, housing sector itself is regarded as one of the most complex policy area with its multiplicity of actors involved and interdependencies between housing sector and the overall social, politic, and economy sectors. With regard to those situations, this research initially describes the Indonesian housing policy situation including its position in national development and the development of housing policy during the periods, in order particularly to identify roles of state and market in housing process. By identifying the networks occurred among housing organisations, contribution of this research is to enhance understanding about networks around housing actors involved and to give a more comprehensive explanation of what actually happened in Indonesian housing policy process.

This research stresses qualitative approach as its core of analysis by focusing on expert and key person interview and document analysis methods within a series of qualitative analysis on housing policy process including its wider policy environment, institutional arrangement, regulatory framework, and analysis of role, interests, sources of power among actors and how they exchange the resource. Series of housing sector performance data in Indonesia such as housing production and housing loans were elaborated to seek who is the main player in housing sector during particular periods, and how its relation with the policy direction at that time.

As the result, it is found that before and during series of five year development in New Era, housing sector has had an important position by which it is regarded as the fulfillment of human basic need to enhance the people's well-being. In the later development stages, particularly since the late 1980s, it is found that the strategic position of housing sector has been declined along with the decline of public sector role in guarantee the provision of decent housing for all people. Housing land and finance are the most important aspects in housing sector that should be addressed where policy networks in these two aspects have been fragmented, represented by fragmentation of interests and orientations in two prominent programs, Kasiba-Lisiba and KPR Housing Loan programs. In housing finance sub-sector, there has been an unshared common goal of provision of housing for all people. The public housing finance sector and the private housing sector had developed a too close relationship. The role of private housing sector has increased far above the public housing sector in utilizing KPR subsidized housing loan. Public housing sector has experienced its declining capacity to guarantee the provision of housing especially for low income groups. External factor shows its corresponding effect mainly from the situation of more liberal private sector-led Indonesian economy in late 1980s and early 1990s.

It is concluded that beside as the result of the failure of both public and private sectors in delivery houses for all groups, the severe shortage of housing in Indonesia over the time is also the result of the lack of policy networks capacity in the complexity of housing sector. Although it is realized that the knowledge of housing networks is so far not sufficient to give a satisfactory explanation about the causal relationship between the housing policy networks and its policy outcomes, however, this research argue that the housing policy networks brings a more understanding of the development of housing policy in the consideration of the way the structure of housing policy networks is formed, is influenced by an arrangement of many factors including external factors and decisions of agents in the networks.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する




 本研究の成果によれば、住宅分野は人々の福祉を増大させるための人間的ベーシック=ニーズを満足させるとして重要な位置に置かれてきたが、近年(特に1980年代後半以降)の開発において、全ての人々に対する適正な住宅供給を保証する公共セクターの役割が減少したのに伴って、住宅分野は戦略的に位置づけられることが少なくなってきている。このような政策の変化の中で、本研究の指摘した政策的問題点は、第一に、宅地や住宅金融は住宅分野において最も重要な部分であるにも関わらず、Kasiba-LasibaやKPR Housing Loan Programによくあらわれているように、政策ネットワークにおいてこの2つの分野は別個に扱われてきたこと、第二に、住宅金融サブセクターにおいては、全ての人々に対する住宅供給についての共通の目標を設定できずにいたことである。その要因として、公共住宅金融セクターや民間住宅セクターはあまりに緊密な関係を持っていたこと、KPRの住宅補助金を活用するにあたって、民間住宅セクターの役割は公的住宅セクターをはるかにしのいでいたこと、公的住宅セクターは、特に低所得者層に対する住宅供給を保証する能力に欠いていたこと、の3点が指摘されている。本研究で示されたこれらの論点は、1980年代後半及び1990年代初頭、インドネシア経済はリベラルで民間部門を重視するようになったことをよく説明するものであり、ポリシーネットワーク論を用いた本研究の政策分析の有効性を例証するものと言える。




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