
No 123116
著者(漢字) 安部,達也
著者(カナ) アベ,タツヤ
標題(和) 様相計算に関する研究
標題(洋) Studies on Modal Calculi
報告番号 123116
報告番号 甲23116
学位授与日 2007.12.25
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(情報理工学)
学位記番号 博情第160号
研究科 情報理工学系研究科
専攻 コンピュータ科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 講師 細谷,晴夫
 東京大学 教授 辻井,潤一
 東京大学情報学研 教授 高野,明彦
 東京大学医科研 講師 渋谷,哲朗
 東京大学数理研 准教授 長谷川,立
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

The analogy between mathematical logic and typed λ-calculi has been formu-lated as formal correspondence between the theory of intuitionistic propositional logic and simply typed λ-calculus, known as Curry-Howard isomorphism. It maps formulas, proofs, and reductions of proofs in intuitionistic propositional logic into types, λ-terms, and reductions of λ-terms, respectively. As extensions are made to intuitionistic propositional logic to increase its expressibility, resulting in predi-cate logic, second-order logic, etc., simply typed λ-calculus has also been extended and corresponding λ-calculi have been formulated. In particular, the extension of simply typed λ-calculus corresponding to predicate logic is called λP.

In this thesis, according to Curry-Howard isomorphism, we construct an ex-tension of simply typed λ-calculus, called strong λD, which corresponds to an in-tuitionistic fragment of the minimal modal logic based on the notion of necessity. The extended λ-calculus can represent the so-called staged computation, where modalities correspond to different stages of computation.

Having various extensions of the theory of propositional logic and simply typed A-calculus, it is of extreme interest to compare the expressive power of the exten-sions. In this thesis, we focus on correspondence between first-order predicate logic and modal logic. In mathematical logic, a translation from modal formulas into formulas in predicate logic is defined and the image of modal formulas by the translation is characterized by bisimulations. In this way, the notion of universality in predicate logic is shown to subsume the notion of necessity in modal logic.

On the analogy of this correspondence, we studied correspondence between proofs in first-order predicate logic and proofs in modal logic. In the thesis, we give a complete and full translation from strong λ□ into λP. A translation between two calculi is said to be complete when the translation preserves equations in the source calculus, and equations in the image of the translation can be pulled back to equations in the source calculus. Furthermore, it is called full if the translation does not add any junk. The existence of a complete and full translation means that the structure of the source calculus is preserved in the target calculus. Our result is about proofs which have not been dealt with in mathematical logic, i.e., the notion of universality is shown to subsume the notion of necessity more strongly. In this sense our result is a refinement of the above traditional result in mathematic In addition, by observing the image of other kinds of modalities in λP, such as intuitionistic T, K4, and S4, we obtain knowledge on those modalities in general.

We also investigated existing typed λ-calculi corresponding to modal logics, and focused on that there exist two kinds of context formulations for construction of such calculi. One is formulated by single contexts, e.g., λsS4, and the other is formulated by multi contexts, e.g., λMS4 We gave sound and complete translations between λss4 and λMS4, and claimed that the difference of context formulations raises no essential difference.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する


今回提出された安部達也君の博士論文は、その一環として、とくに様相論理に対応するラムダ計算を探求することを目的としている。まず第一の貢献として、様相論理のもっとも基本的な体系といわれる「K」に対するラムダ計算として、「strong λ□」を提案した。そして、この計算系が、Kの証明を自然に表せるだけではなく、ある種のカテゴリ意味論を与えることができることから妥当であることを示した。




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