
No 123926
著者(漢字) 垣村,尚徳
著者(カナ) カキムラ,ナオノリ
標題(和) 数理計画法における符号可解性
報告番号 123926
報告番号 甲23926
学位授与日 2008.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(情報理工学)
学位記番号 博情第171号
研究科 情報理工学系研究科
専攻 数理情報学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 室田,一雄
 東京大学 教授 竹村,彰通
 東京大学 准教授 牧野,和久
 東京大学 准教授 松尾,宇泰
 京都大学 准教授 岩田,覚
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Mathematical programming is a branch of mathematics concerned with optimization problems, which can be applied to a variety of engineering fields. By recent progress of computer technology and algorithms, we have come to be able to utilize a large class of efficiently solvable mathematical programming models. However, it is often difficult to develop a mathematical programming model which represents a practical situation exactly. This is because the input data of a model are subject to many sources of uncertainty including errors of measurement and absence of information. On the other hand, structural properties of a model are independent of such uncertainty. This motivates us to provide a combinatorial method that exploits structural information before using numerical information.

In this thesis, we focus on the sign pattern of a mathematical programming model, that is, the combinatorial arrangement of positive and negative numbers of the input data. The use of sign patterns for matrix analysis is called qualitative matrix theory, which originated in economics. The main aim of this thesis is to present a connection between qualitative matrix theory and mathematical programming. We are concerned with the following three problems related to mathematical programming.

The first one is to compute the inertia of symmetric matrices. The inertia of a symmetric matrix indicates the number of positive/negative eigenvalues. Quadratic forms are classified by the inertia of the coefficient matrices. A symmetric matrix is said to be sign-nonsingular if every symmetric matrix with the same sign pattern as the matrix is nonsingular. Hall, Li, and Wang showed that the inertia of a sign-nonsingular symmetric matrix is determined uniquely by its sign pattern. We present an efficient algorithm for computing the inertia of such matrices. The algorithm runs in O(nγ) time for a symmetric matrix of order n with γ nonzero entries.

Secondly, we discuss solving linear programs from sign patterns. A linear program is said to be sign-solvable if the set of sign patterns of the optimal solutions is uniquely determined by the signs of the given coefficients. It turns out to be NP-hard to decide whether a linear program is sign-solvable or not. We then introduce a class of sign-solvable linear programs in terms of totally sign-nonsingular matrices, which can be recognized in polynomial time. For a linear program in this class, we devise an efficient combinatorial algorithm to obtain the sign pattern of an optimal solution from the given sign pattern. The algorithm runs in O(mγ) time, where m is the number of constraints, and γ is the number of nonzero coefficients.

Finally, we examine sign-solvability of linear complementarity problems (LCPs). An LCP is said to be sign-solvable if the set of sign patterns of the solutions is uniquely determined by the signs of the given coefficients. We provide a characterization for sign-solvable LCPs whose coefficient matrix has nonzero diagonal entries. This characterization, which can be tested in polynomial time, leads to an efficient combinatorial algorithm to find the sign pattern of a solution for these LCPs. The algorithm runs in O(γ) time, where γ is the number of nonzero coefficients.

These are the first attempts of qualitative analysis in mathematical programming which are independent of the magnitudes of the input values. In particular, the latter two results provide efficient algorithms to find the sign pattern of a solution. In both cases, the obtained sign pattern easily derives a solution itself by Gaussian elimination. Thus our results reveal new classes of mathematical programming problems which can be solved in strongly polynomial time.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する


一方,定性的行列理論は,行列要素の数値情報を捨象し,符号情報のみから得られる行列の性質を調べる分野であり,SamuelsonやLancasterなどの数理経済学者によって,1940年代に研究が創始された.ここでは,要素の数値的な情報によらず,符号情報のみから正方行列の正則性が保証される「符号正則性」の概念が本質的である.正方行列の符号正則性を判定する問題は,Polyaが1913年に提起した2部グラフのPfaffian向き付けの問題など,様々な組合せ論的問題と等価であるが,これらの問題の計算複雑度は,1999年に Robertson, Seymour, Thomas が多項式時間アルゴリズムを示すまで,長い間未解決であった.





第4章では,符号正則な符号対称行列のSylvester指数が一意に定まるという, Hall, Li, Wangによる2004年の結果を踏まえて,その場合にSylvester指数を計算する効率的なアルゴリズムを与えている.このアルゴリズムの正当性から,Hall, Li, Wang の定理の手続き的な別証明が得られる.アルゴリズムの計算量は,行列の大きさと非零要素数の積に比例する程度である.同時に,符号対称行列が符号正則でないことを判定する問題がNP完全であることも示されている.

第5章では,完全符号正則性の概念を新たに導入している.正方行列の行列式の展開に非零項が存在するとき,この行列を項別正則という.一般の行列において,列部分集合によって定まる項別正則な部分行列がすべて符号正則であるときに,この行列を完全符号正則であるという.完全符号正則性の判定は,符号正則性の判定に帰着され,Robertson, Seymour, Thomasのアルゴリズムを用いて多項式時間で可能となる.






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