
No 123927
著者(漢字) 小市,俊悟
著者(カナ) コイチ,シュンゴ
標題(和) 有限距離空間の多面体的実現と有向多品種流問題への応用
報告番号 123927
報告番号 甲23927
学位授与日 2008.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(情報理工学)
学位記番号 博情第172号
研究科 情報理工学系研究科
専攻 数理情報学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 室田,一雄
 東京大学 准教授 牧野,和久
 東京大学 講師 増田,直紀
 東京大学 講師 二宮,崇
 京都大学 准教授 岩田,覚
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

The main aim of this thesis is to introduce a polyhedral realization, called the tight span, of a finite asymmetric distance space and its applications. A finite asymmetric distance space is a pair of a finite set and an asymmetric distance on the set. A distance does not necessarily satisfy the triangle inequality. The term "asymmetric" is used to emphasize that the symmetry condition is not imposed; namely, a distance between two elements depends on the direction to measure the distance. Hence, a symmetric distance is an asymmetric distance. Isbell (1964), Dress (1984), and Chrobak and Larmore (1994) independently established that for any metric space there exists an essentially unique maximal tight extension, which is called the injective envelope by Isbell, the convex hull by Chrobak and Larmore, and the tight span by Dress, respectively. Recently, Hirai (2006) has extended the notion of tight spans to symmetric distance spaces. In this thesis, we introduce the tight spans for asymmetric distance spaces.

We explain the concept of realizations of finite distance spaces through the best known realization: the tree representation of a tree metric. A tree metric is representable by the lengths of the paths between vertices of a certain tree with nonnegative edge lengths. In this case, the tree is called a tree representation of the tree metric. The tree realization is endowed with some desirable properties, such as uniqueness, tightness, and universality. It is known that a tree metric has a unique, up to isomorphism, tree representation. The tightness of a tree representation means here that every point on the tree, which might be a point on an edge, is contained in the geodesic between a pair of certain leaves. The universality of a tree representation can be explained as follows.

Given a tree metric on a set, we take points on the tree representation of the tree metric and add the points to the given set. Then, we obtain a new tree metric on the enlarged set. Moreover, the tree representation of the new tree metric is essentially the same as that of the originally given tree metric, that is, all the tree metrics that have a certain tree as their tree representations are already embedded into the tree.

The tight span proposed in this thesis is also provided with those properties. Actually, Dress introduced the tight span as a generalization of the tree representation of a tree metric. The tight span for a tree metric is a tree as a union of line segments and thus the tight span is the tree representation. Tight spans allow us to geometrically investigate the structure of a distance space.

Contributors in the theory of tight spans have also established applications of the theory, such as phylogenetic tree construction problems and multiflow or multi-commodity flow problems. This thesis includes investigations on those problems.

Buneman's and Bandelt and Dress' split decompositions of metrics are two well-known tools for phylogenetic tree construction problems. Bandelt and Dress' split decomposition of a metric induces a decomposition of the tight span for the metric. Hirai (2006) derives Bandelt and Dress' split decomposition as a special case of the polyhedral split decomposition of polyhedral convex functions. Our result shows that Buneman's split decomposition can be also understood as a special case of the polyhedral split decomposition. This result provides a geometric and unified interpretation of the two split decompositions.

In the multiflow theory, clarifying the bounded fractionality of a polyhedron of solutions is a central issue. We give a complete characterization of the class of the weighted maximum multiflow problems whose dual polyhedra have bounded fractionality. A key ingredient is the tight spansfor asymmetric distance spaces. The theory of tight spans provides a unified duality framework to the weighted maximum multiflow problems,and gives a geometric interpretation of combinatorial dual solutions of several known min-max theorems, such as Ford and Fulkersons' max-flow min-cut theorem and Frank's directed free multiflow theorem, in the multiflow theory.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する


Buneman は,今日 Buneman 指数と呼ばれる量を導入し,これに基づいて距離データから系統樹を構成する手法を提案した.一方,Bandelt, Dress は,これとは別に分離指数と呼ばれる量を導入して,三角不等式を満たす距離の分解原理を確立したが,これに対して,平井広志が最近幾何的解釈を与えている.平井の理論では,有限集合の要素対を実空間上に配置し,その上で関数値が距離データに一致するような凸関数への拡張を考える.このようにして得られた多面体的凸関数は,スプリット関数と呼ばれる簡単な関数の和と剰余部分とに分解できる.このときのスプリット関数の部分が,Bandelt, Dress が構成するネットワークを与えているというのが,平井の理論の概要であった.




第2章は,準備として,木構造から得られる距離を解説し,Bunemanの手法とBandelt, Dressの手法を解説している.


第4章は,本論文のオリジナルな結果である Buneman 指数の幾何的解釈を述べている.有限集合の要素の順序対の実空間への異なる配置を考えることによって,平井の理論と類似の解釈が可能であることを示している.


第8章では,非対称距離のタイトスパンの概念を導入し,基本的な性質を解明している.その応用として,第9章では,有向グラフ上の多品種流問題の双対問題の整数性を考察している.重みを表す非対称距離が定めるタイトスパンの次元が1になることが双対問題に整数最適解が存在するための必要十分条件であることを導出している.この結果を用いることで,Frank (1989) や 茨木, Karzanov, 永持 (1998)によって整数性が明らかとなっていた問題群に対して,双対問題の整数性が統一的に導かれる.



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