
No 128457
著者(漢字) 廣瀬,善大
著者(カナ) ヒロセ,ヨシヒロ
標題(和) 双対平坦空間の幾何学に基づいた次元削減
標題(洋) Dimension Reduction Based on the Geometry of Dually Flat Spaces
報告番号 128457
報告番号 甲28457
学位授与日 2012.03.22
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(情報理工学)
学位記番号 博情第368号
研究科 情報理工学系研究科
専攻 数理情報学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 駒木,文保
 東京大学 教授 竹村,彰通
 東京大学 教授 山西,健司
 東京大学 准教授 増田,直紀
 東京大学 准教授 寒野,善博
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

We propose methods for estimating parameters and selecting models for generalized linear regression problems, for contingency tables, and for edge selection in Gaussian graphical models. Our method for generalized linear regression can be interpreted as an extension of Least Angle Regression (LARS). Our purpose is to provide methods which help us to estimate parameters efficiently and to narrow down candidate models simultaneously. Our methods can be described in a simple way, and they are easy to interpret. Tools which we use are popular and/or natural in statistics. We take advantage of natural structures of probability distributions to build our algorithms. Our methods are based on the information geometry of dually flat spaces. We give a detailed explanation on our algorithms. Examples of results are shown for some datasets.

Linear regression is one of the most basic problems in statistics. A response variable is observed with explanatory variables for some samples. Ideally, the response variable is represented as a linear combination of the explanatory variables, but there is an error concerning observation. Our interest is to estimate regression coefficient, parameter of a linear model, based on observed data. One of the most famous estimators is the least squares estimator (LSE), which is also the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) under the condition that the distribution of errors is a normal distribution. It is known that the MLE is not the best for prediction and that shrinkage is effective. This disadvantage of the MLE is called overfitting. One method for avoiding overfitting is regularization. For example, ridge regression is used for estimating parameters in linear regression. Ridge regression is defined by an optimization problem which minimizes the mean squared error with a penalty term of 2-norm of regression coefficient. In the decades, many methods of regularization were proposed, and recently sparsity of parameters is given much attention to. Sparsity means some zeros of a parameter. A representative example is Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) from the view point of the sparsity. LASSO is defined by an optimization problem which minimizes the mean squared error with a penalty term of 1-norm of a parameter. The LASSO solution is sparse because of the term of 1-norm.

LARS is an algorithm for estimating parameters and selecting variables simultaneously in linear regression. The LARS algorithm is described in terms of Euclidean geometry. A version of the LARS algorithm is known to compute the LASSO solution. Another version computes the forward stagewise regression which is a method for estimating parameters. LARS has three versions for LARS itself, LASSO, and forward stagewise regression. A framework of LARS provides a unified treatment of LARS, LASSO, and forward stagewise regression and gives a geometrical view of parameter estimation. This fact is a motivation and an advantage of LARS. Another motivation or advantage of LARS is about computation. For example, we need a computation method if we want the LASSO solution, because LASSO is just defined as an optimization problem. The cost for computing LARS is known to be the same as that of the MLE and LARS gives us an efficient algorithm for LASSO. The LARS algorithm is originally defined as an estimator's move in Euclidean space spanned by explanatory variables. The algorithm is described simply in terms of Euclidean geometry, and it is easy to give a statistical interpretation. Correlations represent inner products or angles between explanatory variables and response variable and bisectors of angles play an important role in estimation. LARS outputs model candidates, the number of which is much less than the total number of all possible models. LARS helps us to avoid the difficulty of combinations.

Our method for generalized linear regression, named bisector regression, is an extension of LARS based on the information geometry of dually flat spaces. Bisector regression is an algorithm to generate candidates of parameter estimates and submodels. The bisector regression algorithm is described as an estimator's move in a dually flat space. The reason why we use the word extension is that, similar to LARS, bisector of an angle and its extension to high dimensions play an important role in bisector regression. However, bisector regression is essentially different from LARS. In LARS, an estimator starts at the origin, and it moves along bisectors of angles. The LARS estimator finally reaches the MLE of the full model, generating candidates of regression coefficients and submodels. In bisector regression, our estimator starts at the MLE of the full model, and it moves along curves corresponding to bisectors. Our estimator finally reaches the origin, generating candidates. We obtain a sequence of parameter estimates and submodels by bisector regression and the number of candidates is much smaller than the total number of all possible submodels, which means that bisector regression narrows down candidate submodels considerably. In the information geometry of dually flat spaces, we do not use angles, but it is possible to define curves corresponding to bisectors of angles with Kullback-Leibler divergence. This idea is based on the property that a point on a bisector of an angle has the same distance from two projections on two straight lines forming the angle. The extended Pythagorean theorem helps this idea too which is an information-geometrical version of Pythagorean theorem in Euclidean space. In the bisector regression algorithm, we measure divergences from the current estimate to submodels in which one more elements of parameters become 0. Our estimator moves along a curve corresponding to a bisector, and it comes into the nearest submodel. We iterate this process, yielding an estimate, until our estimator comes to the origin. The new estimate has one more 0s than the previous estimate. The length of a sequence of estimates generated by bisector regression is the number of parameters to be estimated. We do not need to consider all candidates of combinations of explanatory variables and the number of the candidates is much smaller than total number of all possible models. Note that the bisector regression has some iterations, but it is different from an iterative method like Newton method. All estimates and submodels generated by bisector regression are candidates and this is not the case that we want just a converged value. Iterations are not for convergence of the algorithm but for making various candidates. Our extension of LARS is based on the original LARS algorithm, not other versions. We pay attention to simpleness of the LARS algorithm and let our extension take after it.

We apply the main idea of bisector regression to contingency tables. We consider multinomial distributions and introduce a parametrization. Parameters represent main effects and interactions, and parameters corresponding to interactions are estimated by our method. Our method generates a sequence of parameter estimates and models, the length of which is the number of parameters to be estimated. An estimate in the sequence has one more zero than the previous one. For contingency tables, the bisector regression algorithm works in a dually flat space of multinomial distributions.

The main idea of bisector regression is also applied to edge selection in Gaussian graphical models. Our interest is to estimate non-diagonal elements of the concentration matrix, the inverse of the covariance matrix, and to generate a independence graph. Our method generates a sequence of estimates of the concentration matrix, the length of which is the total number of all edges, or the number of the non-diagonal elements of the concentration matrix. The concentration matrices generated by our method yield independence graphs. The number of all possible graphs is much bigger than the number of our candidates. Our method helps us to estimate an independence graph efficiently. For edge selection in Gaussian graphical models, the bisector regression algorithm works in the dually flat space of multivariate normal distributions.

Note that, for example, edge selection in Gaussian graphical models is an example of problems which cannot be solved directly by LARS. Of course, we can apply LARS and LASSO to a problem if the problem under consideration can be recast in a linear regression problem. However, it is not always possible to make a problem a linear regression and the recast is not necessarily natural from the point of view of the problem itself. Edge selection in Gaussian graphical models is equivalent to estimation of the concentration matrix. A family of positive definite matrices forms a dually flat space and it is not Euclidean space. This means that this edge selection problem should not be treated in terms of Euclidean geometry even if it is possible to recast the problem in a linear regression problem. The information geometry provides us useful and natural tools for this edge selection problem. Bisector regression is not just a geometrical interpretation of existing methods, but it is a new method for statistical estimation which is based on a natural structure of a problem.

Three algorithms of bisector regression for three problems are based on the same idea. However, they have differences depending on problems which they are applied to. For generalized linear regression, we remark on the fact that submodels depend on the design matrix, or an observation of each explanatory variable. A submodel is embedded in the space of all distributions corresponding to a regression problem. We have different alignments of submodels for different observations. In problems of contingency tables and edge selection, submodels are decided without observations. For contingency tables, parameters are not dealt with equally while bisector regression treats parameters equally in generalized linear regression. Parameters are separated and bisector regression is applied to each group of parameters. We delete higher-order interactions first and leave lower-order interactions. In edge selection for Gaussian graphical models, parameters to be estimated are non-diagonal elements of the concentration matrix. Our aim is to estimate the concentration matrix. We consider the mean of distributions in regression, but we need to consider the matrix in edge selection. A dually flat space is introduced naturally even in the case of normal distributions while only Euclidean geometry are necessary for normal linear regression. We propose an algorithm for edge selection based on a natural structure of probability distributions. This also means that edge selection in Gaussian graphical models is a problem to which LARS and LASSO cannot be applied directly.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する


本論文は「Dimension Reduction Based on the Geometry of Dually Flat Spaces」(双対平坦空間の幾何学に基づいた次元削減)と題し、6章よりなる。

第1章「Introduction」(序論)では、正規線形モデルにおけるパラメータの次元削減と推定のための手法である、最小角回帰、Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO)、リッジ回帰について触れるとともに、これらの手法のより一般の統計モデルへの拡張の必要性について述べている。双対平坦空間上で情報幾何の意味での角の二等分線が定義できることに基づく、本論文での提案手法である二等分線回帰(Bisector Regression)の概略について説明するとともに、論文の構成について説明している。

第2章「Preliminaries」(準備)では、研究の基礎となる最小角回帰と情報幾何に関する基本事項について概観している。まず最小角回帰についてアルゴリズムと特徴とを説明し、LASSOとの関連について述べている。次に情報幾何について、双対平坦空間がユークリッド空間の自然な一般化であること等、第3章以下で必要になる事項について説明を与えている。さらに、モデル選択のための情報量規準の構成に必要なパラメータ推定における自由度の評価に関する先行研究を、LASSO とリッジ回帰の場合について紹介するとともに、最小角回帰における自由度の評価について考察している。

第3章「Generalized Linear Regression」(一般化線形回帰)では、一般化線形回帰モデルに対する二等分線回帰の手法を提案している。一般化線形回帰モデルは、正規分布に基づく通常の線形回帰モデルやロジスティック回帰モデルなどを含む応用上重要なモデルのクラスである。このクラスに含まれるモデルは指数型分布族であり、モデル多様体は双対平坦空間となる。このことに基づいて二等分線回帰を定式化している。また、飽和モデルにおける最尤推定値から出発してよりパラメータ数の少ないモデルへ次元削減を行っていくことにより、最小角回帰の直接的な拡張で生じる問題点を修正することに成功している。さらに線形回帰モデルとロジスティック回帰モデルに二等分線回帰を適用してその挙動を数値的に評価している。

第4章「Contingency Tables」(分割表)では、分割表モデルに対し二等分線回帰の手法を用いることにより次元削減の方法を提案している。分割表解析における飽和モデルは多項分布であり、これが指数型分布族であることを利用して二等分線回帰の手法を適用している。第2章の一般化線形回帰では、未知のパラメータは回帰係数でありすべてのパラメータは平等に扱われた。これに対し、分割表モデルのパラメータ推定においては、次数の異なる交互作用に対応する形で定義されたパラメータを用い、次数によりパラメータをグループ分けしてモデルに階層構造を与えている。これらのパラメータは分割表の各周辺分布の期待値と対になる自然パラメータとなっている。提案手法では、次数の高い交互作用に対応するパラメータのグループから次数の低いグループへと順に推定を行うことにより自然な次元削減を可能にしている。さらに、提案手法を実データに適用している。本章の結果は、ロジスティック回帰以外の離散変数を扱う統計解析にも二等分線回帰の手法が有効であることを示している。

第5章「Edge Selection in Gaussian Graphical Models」(ガウス型グラフィカルモデルにおける辺選択)では、グラフィカルモデルにおけるグラフ構造の二等分線回帰を用いた推定方法を与えている。グラフィカルモデルにおいて飽和モデルは多変量正規分布モデルであり、未知のパラメータは期待値ベクトルと分散共分散行列である。グラフィカルモデルの辺の選択は、分散共分散行列の逆行列の成分のうち非零のものを選択することに対応する。そこで、期待値ベクトルの推定値は最尤推定値として固定し、分散共分散行列の空間が双対平坦空間となることに基づいて二等分線回帰の方法を適用することにより、パラメータの次元削減の方法を構成している。さらに、提案手法を実データに適用している。本章の結果は、回帰問題以外の連続変数を扱う統計解析にも二等分線回帰の手法が有効であることを示している。




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