
No 125578
著者(漢字) ,雅人
著者(カナ) ヤマザキ,マサヒト
標題(和) 結晶の溶解模型と壁越え現象
標題(洋) Crystal Melting and Wall Crossing Phenomena
報告番号 125578
報告番号 甲25578
学位授与日 2010.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5486号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 物理学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 風間,洋一
 東京大学 教授 駒宮,幸夫
 東京大学 教授 堀,健太朗
 東京大学 教授 河野,俊丈
 東京大学 准教授 松尾,泰
 東京大学 准教授 村尾,美緒
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

One of the most fundamental problems in theoretical physics in the 21st century is toconstruct a theory of quantum gravity. General relativity and quantum mechanics,which are the cornerstones of the 20st century physics, are mutually inconsistent. Weneed a theory of quantum gravity which unifies the two in a consistent framework.

Over decades string theory has been the most promising candidate for quantumgravity. One of the most successful predictions of string theory, as shown by Stromingerand Vafa in 1996, is that string theory correctly reproduces the Bekenstein-Hawkingentropy of a class of supersymmetric, extremal black holes. In statistical mechanics,entropy is given by the logarithm of the number of states, and Strominger and Vafashowed that string theory reproduces the correct number of states. Their analysis hassubsequently been generalized to many other black holes. In particular, string theorynow reproduces not only the semi-classical Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of generalrelativity, but also the subleading contributions coming from the higher curvaturecorrections to the Einstein-Hilbert action. This gives a rather remarkable check ofstring theory as a theory of quantum gravity.

However, there are many issues that remain to be solved. For example, the entropy istypically determined only by the asymptotic growth of the microstate degeneracies, inthe limit of charge charges. However, we hope that string theory gives a more ompleteand detailed theory of the microstates, not just their asymptotic growth. This will leadto rich and yet unknown aspects of quantum gravity.

A related question is geometry at the planck scale. One of the key ideas in generalrelativity is the `"geometrization of physics", where the physics notion (e.g. mass) aretranslated and reformulated in terms of geometry (e.g. curvature). If we follow a similarpath, the central question in quantum gravity is to identify the ``quantum geometry'',geometry at the planck scale.

In this thesis, we will make small steps towards these ambitious goals. Unfortunately,solving string theory in gravity backgrounds is a notoriously difficult problem. Thestrategy we take is to simplify the problem --- to replace the problem of gravity by aproblem of gauge theory. In string theory compactifications, this corresponds to takingthe Calabi-Yau manifold to be non-compact. Of course, the notion of black hole is subtlein this limit since the gravity decouples in this limit and the Newton constant becomeszero. However, part of the important data in gravity theory still remain. For example,we can still discuss entropy of black holes since we can take a scaling limit where themass of the black hole goes to infinity, thus the entropy is kept finite. The counting ofblack hole microstates is now turned into a counting problem of BPS states insupersymmetric gauge theories.

The counting problem of BPS states in string theories and supersymmetric gaugetheories is an important problem, even if we forget about the motivation from black holephysics. For example, they provide primary tools to test various string dualities. BPSsolitons in supersymmetric gauge theories has a rich structure, and provides a classicexample of fruitful collaboration between physics and mathematics. Furthermore, as wewill see in later chapters there is an intimate connection with another counting problemin string theory, the topological string theory.

In the first part of this thesis, we show that when X is a toric Calabi-Yau manifold(roughly meaning that X has an action of the three-dimensional torus), we can giveexplicit answers to the BPS counting problem. More precisely, each of the BPS statescontributing to the BPS index (defined in section 2.1) is in one-to-one correspondencewith a configuration of a molten crystal, and the BPS partition function ZBPS (defined insection 2.1) is the same as the statistical partition function of a crystal melting model:ZBPS=Zcrystal.

Chapter 3 is devoted to the explanation of this these results. Remarkably, thederivation of the above formula depends on the newly developed mathematical theory,the non-commutative Donaldson-Thomas theory. The theory gives a new invariant forCalabi-Yau manifolds, which exactly coincides with the BPS index we are interested in.This means that BPS counting problem is important not only to physicists but also themathematicians alike.

In the next chapter (chapter 4), we discuss the implication of these results toquantum gravity. We show that the thermodynamic limit of the crystal gives aprojection of the shape of the mirror of the Calabi-Yau manifold. This in particularsuggests that if we start from classical smooth geometry and approaches to the planckscale, the geometry gets discretized into a set of atoms. In this sense an atom in thecrystal melting model is an ``an atom of space'', a discretized version of the geometry atthe planck scale. We therefore see that the two problems posed earlier are now related.Each of the microstate, which is an atom of the crystal, is the discretized version of thegeometry; thus the problem of identifying black hole microstates is solved by thequantum structure of geometry!

In the second half of the thesis, we move on to the discussion of the wall crossingphenomena (see section 2.2 for introduction). Wall crossing phenomena states that theBPS degeneracy jumps as we change the value of the moduli of the Calabi-Yau manifold.Wall crossing phenomena, first discussed by Cecotti and Vafa in the context ofsupersymmetric N=(2,2) theories in two dimensions, has a long history of more thannearly two decades. They also play important roles in the Seiberg-Witten theory and itsstringy realization. In these old days, it was observed that we can derive the jump ofBPS states in simple cases, but generalization seemed to be difficult.

The recent breakthrough was triggered by the paper of Kontsevich and Soibelman,who proposed a rather general formula for the jumps of BPS degeneracies, generalizingthe results of Denef and Moore. Physical interpretations of the formulas weresubsequently given. In chapter 6 we discuss these formulas in detail.

The wall crossing formulas can be applied to our setup, namely compactfication on thetoric Calabi-Yau manifold. In particular, the example of the resolved conifold is analyzedin Jafferi-Moore and independently in Nagao-Nakajima. There it was shown that thenon-commutative Donaldson-Thomas invariants discussed in chapter 3 is related bywall crossing to the commutative (ordinary) Donaldson-Thomas invariants. In physicslanguage, this means that the crystal melting partition function is related by wallcrossings to the topological string partition function. This clarifies the connection of ourcrystal melting model and another crystal melting model, which describes thetopological vertex.

However, this is not the end of the story. First, it was observed that the BPS partitionfunction computed by the wall crossing formulas takes a beautiful infinite product form,and there should be an intuitive explanation of these results. From the viewpoint ofnon-commutative Donaldson-Thomas theory, this seems miraculous: we first computethe BPS indices separately by going through complicated mathematics, and only aftersumming up all of them and going through combinatorics can we see that the partitionfunction takes such a simple form. Moreover, it was not clear why the topological stringtheory can be related to the BPS degeneracies. Finally, as physicists we want to have anindependent way of deriving the results from purely physics arguments, without relyingon the mathematical results.

This is the reason why I was motivated to give a simple derivation of the wall crossingphenomena from M-theory, which is the topic of chapter 5. By lifting type IIA braneconfigurations to M-theory and by using the 4d/5d correspondence, the problem ofcounting BPS states is mapped (under certain conditions explained in section 5) to acounting problem of free M2-brane particles in five dimensions, which span the freeparticle Fock space. This naturally explains the infinite product form of the BPSpartition function. Also, the counting problem of M2-brane particles is a generalizationof the Gopakumar-Vafa argument, which explains the appearance of the topologicalstring partition function. More precisely, we prove a formula〓The argument here is consistent with the derivations from the wall crossing formula.The bonus is that we have new mathematical predictions for non-toric examples, whichcan be tested by future mathematical developments.

There is a generalization of the above-mentioned story to the case of open BPSinvariants. Closed BPS invariants discussed up to this point are defined by countingD2-branes wrapping on 2-cycles of the Calabi-Yau manifold. Open BPS invariants aredefined by counting D2-branes wrapping disks ending on another D-branes (D4-branes).Open BPS invariants are natural generalizations of closed invariants. Moreover, theygive a useful computational tool to study closed invariants for complicated geometries,as the topological vertex formaslim shows.

In chapter 7 we first give a definition of the "non-commutative topological vertex",which gives a basic building block for computing open BPS invariants. The definitionuses the crystal melting model, and we perform several consistency checks of theproposal. We also discuss the wall crossing phenomena for the open BPS invariants bothwith respect to the open and closed string moduli, by again using the viewpoint ofM-theory.

BPS state counting and wall crossing phenomena are still very active areas ofresearch, and has been attracting more and more attention from researchers since Istarted research. In the final chapter 8, we close this thesis by pointing out someinteresting problems which suggest directions for future research. We also collectslightly technical results in the appendices.

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